
Work's well under way on your avatar request and I think it's going to turn out quite nicely, but inkscape is crashing a lot on me right now so I'm afraid it's looking unlikely that the avatar will be finished in time for the last hours of pony week.


Jessica's all but done though so maybe you can get half of the avatar before the night's over? I'll post her when she's done just to check I'm on the right lines.


Re: Futurama pony debate:
I wouldn't know what to do with a Leela pony myself. I like all three futurama ponytars that have been posted although I don't think that's how I'd have gone about any of them. Leela is tricky in that her most typical outfit is very neutral. I guess maybe a very pale grey (paler than Bender's grey) might be what I'd go with for her coat. I'd say the pink of her lipstick/lips would be a good colour but that would make her look too girly I think...
Serpentine seems to have picked up the knack to do ponytars a lot quicker than I have as I like all of the ones she's done (especially the Unosartatar) but then I'm under the impression Serp's got a lot of experience with inkscape or something that yields similar results to inkscape whereas it's still a pretty bizarre way to draw pictures for me (I think if I had the attention span to follow tutorials I'd probably be better with it
(I've not seen enough Futurama to remember Leela wearing lime green at all especially as I enjoy the show but not enough to have bought dvds and it's shown very sporadically on the tv channels I get.
I kinda think if it were me I might make an exception with the flesh colour ponies for Futurama ones just because that sort of look fits with the series, with Oots I wouldn't give a caucasian character's pony fur the same colour as the skin though... it depends how much of which series you want really because there's quite a difference in approach between Futurama and My Little Pony so a crossover could go in a lot of ways.)