So, story time from work. A couple of folks got in my line, and they had this stuffed animal which they told me they were getting for their 4 year old son. Big blue whale, "isn't that nice" I thought. So I strike up a conversation, and they're charming people. Then the dad says "I hope he'll like it. I know he wanted the rabbit." "Oh, were we out?" I asked. "No, the rabbits are pink."

... Okay... that's...

"You know, when I was about his age, pink was my favorite color." I say, hoping I misunderstood.

"Yes, well that's the problem we're having now," puts in the mother. WTF? "He likes girly things. He's got 2 sisters and thinks of himself as one of them. He's always after us to let him grow his hair long and things like that. It's not natural."

I... ... That...

I bit my tongue so hard, literally (I've got a cut in my mouth from it now) because I am not getting fired for telling people why I think they're terrible parents. But... Argh.

On the other side, I met a really nice mom who was talking about how cute she thought it was that her boy was flirting with other boys. And I came out to some of my coworkers (not that I've ever deliberately concealed it but still).