Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
I respect Lady GaGa mostly because of the stories I have heard of what she does on tour. One of the coordinators/helpers of Q-Quest Youth Fest (which was a month or two ago) in Minneapolis, who also runs a local music label told
us about what she does. In Minneapolis, when she came here, she gave some local LGBT youth shelters like 150 tickets, and made them pay to get the kids to the concert. The tickets were in really good spots, and she just GAVE THEM AWAY. I literally almost cried, it was so sweet. Also, previously mentioned Dannielle Owens-Reid works for her, and honestly, I can respect anyone who gets Dannielle to work with them and love her job that much.

I didn't really know that there was a correlation between being LGBT and smoking. Have the people who conducted the study given any reasons for as to why this might be?
That's amazing. Thanks for sharing, I feel better about the world now.

The poster I was looking at did list the study information, but it was in fine print and I was too uncomfortable to get up and read it, so I'm afraid I don't know who conducted it or where to look up more information. Try the interweb?

If I had to guess, I'd say that it's because we're more prone to depression, which means we're more prone to seeking relief from drugs and drug-like substances?