Not a big fan of the Lady Gaga song; like most of her songs it's kinda catchy, but not great. Still, it is nice to get some LGBT support, regardless. Love the I kissed a girl song though. :3c

Although while we're on the topic of a gay anthem, and just plain LGBT music in general; if I had to pick a song to be the gay anthem, it would probably be this. ~Aaand because I love him singing in Hebrew, here's another of his videos; there's an english version too but I prefer the hebrew version.

Fun fact; this song was one of the things that gave me that twinge-in-the-heart I talked about a while ago.

And now for a plain ol' list of LGBT myuusak:
  • Tatu is one of the older ones I can think of. Can't decide if I like them in russian better though.
  • Ivri Lider. Also did a cover of I kissed a girl(the Katy Perry version).
  • Colton Ford. There's another of his videos, That's me, which I considered posting, but it's A)rather risque, what with colton really playing up the sexy hunk angle, and B)involves a non-sequitor of rap from another artist that... Gah, just should not be there!
  • Aaaand I already mentioned Yehonathan. Okay then. :3c

I swear I'm forgetting someone there, but I have no spooshing clue who.