Quote Originally Posted by Kirion View Post
On that note, I'm pretty impressed by Kanye West's pro-LGBT stance. Seems pretty ballsy in an industry where many raps have tons of homophobia (hi, Eminem!).
Why does the world keep trying to convince me to like that prat? Alright, hit me: what's his LGBT stance/where has he expressed it?
Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
Really? That makes me sad now. I mean, when you have a community that is stereotyped due to having an apparently increased proportion interested in the creative arts and you have to co-opt a song from the perspective of a woman surviving domestic abuse as your anthem.
Domestic abuse? Escaping a crappy relationship, sure, a jerk boyfriend, certainly, maybe even some emotional manipulation, but domestic abuse?
And I expect it's a combination of the discoish beat and the catchy affirming chorus that did it.
Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
I'm going to nominate We Are the Champions by Queen as the anthem of pan-queer nationality, especially since that was its actual purport. I'm a little surprised it hasn't come up yet.

& I'm 26 and my ribs are xylophony, so dammit, it's not unhealthy.
Just cuz you're it, doesn't make that so
IIRC, a decent guide for a healthy weight on a dog is when you can feel the ribs, but not see them. Dunno whether that applies to people, too.

I've never really liked We Are The Champions... Haven't heard it for a while, though, maybe I'd change my mind.
Quote Originally Posted by Kyuubi View Post
Since we're on the subject of weight anyway, what's a healthy weight for somebody who's 6'2? I know I'm more underweight than I should be, I'm just wondering how much more.
What's your HtW ratio?

Hrm. Do you think the ideal HtW ratio would switch for post-op/hormone transexuals? Or would they just have to accept that it isn't as reliable for them anymore?