Quote Originally Posted by Mewtarthio View Post
Should have been cut off about seven or eight paragraphs earlier, in my opinion. We can already tell what she's going to do: Having her go out and do it is just redundant.

Also, regarding episode:

I agree, the song did lack a certain.... something. Maybe it was just because it was so obvious that they weren't going to fulfill their dreams, maybe it was because the whole thing was just a recap of episode three, or maybe it was that weird sense of familiarity I couldn't shake throughout the whole thing (thanks to whoever made the Into the Woods connection earlier--My, but they do love Sondheim, don't they?). I dunno, it just didn't work for me.

And, wow, Fluttershy's reaction to everything was quite distressing. Everyone else reacts pretty much how you'd expect: Twilight sticks with the original plan, Pinkie fills the Not-Party with more Party, Rainbow tries to show off and assaults random passers-by, Applejack just tries harder (though loudly deriding your customers' "hoity-toity taste buds" may not be the best marketing strategy--See, Irbis, she really is the element of Honesy!), and Rarity combats rudeness with passive-aggression. Fluttershy, though... Yipe. She's dealt with frightened critters before; why the sudden snap right now? Is it fear? Is it because she knows she's out of her element at this high-class event, and the only thing that kept her from panicking was the thought that at least the animals would love her? Does she feel like she's surrounded on all sides by horrible strangers, and even the creatures she loves have turned against her, so all that she can do is lash out like a cornered beast?

I was expecting her to befriend the groundskeeper, to be honest. Poor Fluttershy.

Also, poor Iron Hoof. It was good while it lasted, but now I think it's clear that Trollestia is the canon characterization of the Princess. Sure, Irbis pointed out that Equestria might not be run very well, but now the furthest we can take it is "Out-of-Touch Corrupt Aristocracy with Bored Figurehead." That doesn't run off the tongue so well, does it? Oh, well, at least the episode gave me Twilight spurning the obvious practical solution for one involving Horrific Mockeries Of God's Creation.
That's pretty much my idea of what happened this episode. Poor Fluttershy indeed.