Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
Has anybody read Carmilla, about a lesbian vampire and her prey? Is it any good?
I haven't read it myself, but I do recall hearing lots of good things about it. Which probably doesn't help much, but now that you've mentioned it I kinda want to read it myself.

Quote Originally Posted by AThousandWords View Post
Welp, both of my parents are hyper-religious for different reasons so I would probably be in that percentile. Like, when I joined the GSA my parents just assumed I was the straight part and interested in the anti-bullying bit, which I am, but also it's fun to hang out with birds of a feather and learn about LGBT stuff and such. They didn't even consider the alternative so... Yeah.
That does sound like there's some possibility of that in your case, but by no means does that mean that their reaction would be garunteed to be kicking you out. High School isn't exactly the best time to come out anyways; most people have some growing up still to do, you're dependant on other people a lot more, you're not old enough to go to any of the fun places, etc. Now I'm not saying that I think people should never come out in high school, just that you're rather limited in options until later in life, anyways.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
Works in retrospect, but it's a fairly common phrase 'round these parts. Dunno about elsewhere.
Yeah, fairly common phrase here too, it just startled me by how it sounded given the context.