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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Eleanor_Rigby's Avatar

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    May 2010
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    Default Re: My Little Pony: Avatar is Magic (also Adopt-a-Pony)

    I adore the pinata pony. Can't get my keyboard to type it though.

    Also, I recognised Pony Paul straight away, so I think it's good anyhow.
    Meant to have a go at that one myself but never got round to it.
    Knocked up a Lenon Pony though, so if someone's interested they can take it.

    Yeah. He's the product of about ten minutes work whilst listening to the Across the Universe soundtrack and procrastinating. Doesn't show, does it?

    (My favourites are usually George and Ringo actually.)
    Last edited by Eleanor_Rigby; 2011-05-08 at 07:36 PM.
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    Thanks to Teutonic Knight, Kasanip, Oblivion, Dogmantra, Elder Tsofu, araveugnitsuga and Alarra