Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
My problem is that many pirates had a legitimate reason to go on the account, they were often royal sailors or slaves who were brutally mistreated by their captain and their merchant backers. Quite a few pirate ships got their start by mutinying against tyrannical captains and even then they would often spare captains that the crews they boarded regarded as fair. If you're going to make a serious pitiable pirate there is a lot of information to use. Instead we got, he likes gold. He murdered innocents. Apparently we're supposed to find him pitiable. He wasn't, but I have to admit the actor did a decent job with what he was given, and made himself seem pitiable.
I got the impression that the captain was supposed to be a lovable over-the-top stereotype, full of "Yarr"'s and "Scallywags" and "Shiver me Timbers". We were supposed to find him fun, of course he was just motivated by a love of gold, he's a pirate.
Then somewhere along the line they gave him to a good actor, and he got mixed with the tragic story of a noble man who has fallen to Piracy. The result was the Tragic Story of a Noble Man who has fallen to Piracy...because he really really likes gold.