Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
[Moderate Rant]
1) Celestia tarred; Sorry, best way of describing her was the question of one of my friends: "Why they didn't swapped?" I mean, really, if Luna is so jealous, why not let her raise the sun every other year to let her shine, too?

I don't know what kind of person you need to be to not share your spotlight, but instead banish someone to 1000 year solitary prison, but I'm pretty sure such person is first one I'd give such punishment.

2) Eternal night - clearly, with moon shining its own light, unlike ours, there is still a chance plants will grow in its light. If not, cooperating unicorns might be able to raise the sun themselves, and if not, to create lights giving plants sunlight. This spell is canon. So nope, no extinction in the cards.

3) Rotation of the planet - sorry, Equestria doesn't work that way, sun and moon are small bodies that need to be physically moved. You can even fly too close to one, like Rarity did. I don't know if they provide the light for the whole planet (unlikely), but again, no moving of the planet itself, it's too big.

4) Letting Luna realize her mistake and surrender would have been, IMHO, 1000x better solution than locking her for a millennium to stew in her evil to become truly irredeemable, and actually willing to kill everypony. You'd need a decade of total lack of sunlight, at least, before the damage was too serious.

5) Typical sentence - civilized countries have upper bar on how long sentence can be for a reason, and in general, try to re-socialize prisoners, instead of simply keeping them behind the bars 'serving sentence' style (which is barbaric, IMHO). That goes double for someone so useful and powerful, she needs re-socialization, not medieval lockout in a cave.

6) Luna has my sympathy because I fail to see in which way her sister is better, if anything, Celestia done worse stuff yet continues to bask in glory while knowingly letting her sister rot.

7) Trying to kill everypony? What? If she tried, they would have been dead. She paralysed 4 guard pegasi with a glare, had she tried this while main ponies were on the river or on a cliff...

Instead, we have 6 weak, inept attempts at stopping them that look almost custom-tailored to make them hosts for Elements, thus, convincing most of the fandom these were the work of Celestia, not Luna, who wasted that time trying to destroy Elements in their sphere form. Manticore? Given how durable ponies are, I wouldn't be surprised if they were capable of easily defeating her, seeing they had two mages in the party.

8) Luna being still evil thanks to Celestia's mercilessness would have been nice and totally justified, IMHO. Id like to hear her part of the story, but I feel I'd have supported her instead.