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Thread: [3.5] Feat: Elite Grenadier

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: [3.5] Feat: Elite Grenadier


    Initially I was going to say that it needed another line of text to account for SA, but I'm giving it some thought, at least with respect to the direct hit. Currrently, I'm under the impression that you don't get SA for splash damage.

    Pros for SA Applying to Elite Grenadier
    1) Generally difficult. You would have to deny the group Dex to AC since flanking doesn't help. It's not impossible, but not a guarantee. It would work great as a first strike attack if you win initiative though (plus Grease fun).

    2) By the nature of alchemical splash weapons, you're almost certainly doing elemental typed damage, which is commonly resisted to a degree.

    Cons for SA Applying to Elite Grenadier
    1) The main one is that it's operating against the rules for volley attacks. While it isn't exactly a volley, it operates in a similar manner.

    2) Could make it a lot more devestating in the long run.

    I'll have to stat a rogue up with this feat and run them through a few rounds to see how it turns out. I'm currently leaning towards ripping most of the language for volley attacks and applying it here (i.e. SA only applies to the primary target).
    Last edited by Forged Fury; 2011-05-16 at 02:14 PM.