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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Sep 2009

    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 3

    11th Division Garden

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post

    Kazuma smiled. He was glad that Michiko remembered him. It was best he could expect of being able to touch his now former captain's life, considering how much she'd touched his own.

    "I've come to pay my respects to you, Michiko-tai-- err, Michiko-san." He looked a little embarassed over that little slip of the tongue. In fact, there was a little hint of a blush on his cheeks.

    Michiko had never actually seen Kazuma blush before.

    The warrior walked up to his former Captain and presented her with the flowers he'd chosen for the occasion. That they were the same flowers given by a secret admirer weeks prior was a mere twist of fate. But Michiko probably didn't know that.

    "For the time I served under you, I learned many lessons. Not just in swordsmanship and battle - but kinship, determination, motivation. You've been a stern but just commander, and because of you, I'd like to think I became a better Shinigami and a better man - even though I've still got a long way to go.

    It may be a long while before I become a man worthy of the lessons you've taught me. But when that time comes, I know who I'll have to thank for it.

    You've earned your peace a thousand times over, Michiko-san. And from now on, I vow to protect that peace."
    With that said, Kazuma bowed deeply towards his former Captain. He hadn't taken his shades off, but he was really bad at hiding the fact his eyes were misting over.

    She'd never seen that, either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Righty View Post

    Katisugo continues to sit by the archway at the garden, his navy blue sun hat tilted to cover the majority of his face. A small grin appears on his face, hearing Kazuma's words to his now former Captain. Katisugo himself was a little shocked when he learned that, but pushed it out of his mind. He mumbles a phrase in English while continuing to listen.
    Heh, heh. Kazuma, nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
    A weary smile makes its way to Michiko's thin lips. "Oh, please stop, Amagatsu-san. You're making me blush." She takes the flowers, admires them for a moment, and then puts them on the ground besides her feet. "It warms me to know that... my service hasn't been in vain. This division has... come such a long way. You have my graditude for your willingness to... to keep it..." Michiko stoups to cough for a moment, raising her wrinkled hand before her mouth.

    "Excuse me. I didn't know it was so cold here. I really should get myself some thicker clothes"
    , she apologizes, trying to find a jesting tone to her words. Then she catches an indistinct form at the corner of her eyes.

    "Oh? Who is there?", she asks, turning to look at Katisugo. "By all means, don't be shy. If you mean to say good bye, now would be time. You'll regret it awful lot if you don't before I leave."


    [1st Division, temporal stasis in Sayuri's office]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hadrian_Emrys View Post
    Yuuta does not even try to struggle as the bars disrupt his inverted Tenteikūra, causing the ominous orange glow to wink out. In the dimmed light of the room, the effect of the Vice-Commander's blank expression is only broken by the lost look in his eyes. "I have not, nor will I ever, lie to you, Sayuri. I took great care in ensuring that none of your own were made aware of my presence. My motivation for doing so is the same as the reason I am here in the first place: I could not think of anyone else I could trust."

    In spite of the spell binding him, Yuuta forces his head back so as to provide the Vice-Captain a cleaner target. "In my delirious state, I grew careless with my self-inflicted use of Hakufuku. When I finally came to, the Corps' compound had been reduced to a wrecked, ghost town. Given your reaction to my, albeit improper, presence I can only assume that the Commander has finally done something rash even by the standards that he has set for himself. Just what has transpired here?"
    There's a glint of disappointment in Sayuri's eyes and her frown deepens. "I did not think you an addict, Yuuta-san. I truly hoped you were above the manners of your childish protegé." She eyes the field of stopped time, though never becoming less alert or less ready to cut Yuuta's throat should he try to chant a single spell.

    "Yes, he has finally snapped. Maybe because, at the face of current chaos, he needed a calm and reasonable presence, and one was not there for him." Her voice is calm, but it could hardly be more accusing.

    "He's destroyed the Kido Corps; stolen or burned to the ground the archives we've upheld from the dawn of time. Fled, perhaps to the welcoming embrace of our worst enemies. And, if I recall his beliefs right, it's out of some naive idealism and desire to better the world. I can't fathom how he can hold such delusions, when he's... robbed Seireitei of a millenium of its history, caused a... wound to the cause of all Shinigami that will take centuries to heal, but I suppose I should not assume to know what goes on in that drug-addled brain of his."

    It seems Sayuri's come to some form of a conclusion, as he lets her left hand briefly leave the hilt of her sword, to recite another spell. "Footprints on the riverbed; crushing sands of time; stream that washes away sins of life; resume your flow! Hanki!"

    For a moment, the world turns black and white for the pair. Then, there's a shattering sound as the Jikanteishi surrounding them is broken. Yukimura Seiko might find himself facing a rather odd scene from the open office door.

    "This is not time for foolish notions of personal trust", Sayuri hisses to Yuuta's ear. "Kitano Takeshi has proven himself a criminal worse than the late Public Enemy Number One ever was. Anything dealing with him is a matter for all of Seireitei. It is my wish that you will come and co-operate willingly - I'd hate to force you, seeing you've come this far already."

    "You've already cast a Forbidden Kido - a crime worthy of exile, as you should know. I can't promise much, but if your knowledge proves to be helpful, I will make my best so it won't be held against you in your trial."
    Last edited by Frozen_Feet; 2011-05-18 at 06:25 AM.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."