Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
[11th Division]

"Yeah, I suppose it could have been wor...se."

Ryouichi sighs. "...Let's get this over with quick. I'm not in the mood."

Masaru nods and hops onto the vehicle, choosing to sit in the passenger seat and open the communications link.

"So, that's one disaster avoided. I've been thinking on how to address the actions of the former Kido Commander, beyond my recommendation for someone to fill said slot.

Specifically, I know how to beat him at his own game. After all, putting aside the risk brought on by his absence and his theft of documents, there exists another threat: That people will think he's right.

You and I know he's far off-base, but does everyone in Soul Society know that? I say we need to arrange for you to speak directly to any and all forces within the Seireitei, likely via "telecast". There, you can acknowledge the partial truths the whining brat spoke, then crush their meaning underneath the full measure of truth.

He said nobles don't care about the Rukon. It's true that some don't, but some do. We can present proof. I know my family keeps detailed records of all their activities, including the charitable ones.

He said we don't police the Rukon with Shinigami. We explain why we don't want Might to Make Right.

You get the picture. He went off half-cocked and likely half-stoned. We'll be in full possession of our faculties, and will have carefully planned our moves. By the time we're done, his "noble" little speech won't have ground to stand on. And we won't have had to speak a single lie to do it.

His grin was positively vicious.

"As for the brat himself, we should make it a standing order to collect as much information as possible about his fighting style. What his overall skills are, what Kido he favors, and if he released his sword, what observed abilities it had. A few run-ins should give us a good enough picture to then make hunting him in earnest easier."

He frowned.

"I don't like the thought of him running wild in the Mortal World. There's deep risk for the mortals there, risk he likely doesn't care about. What if he sets off some Kido or another in the middle of the city, just to "make a point"?"

He shakes his head.

"Worry for another time. As for the Ghost King...I'm not sure where to go from here."
"Don't be so positive Masaru, as the saying goes, 'first impression is what matters', and Takeshi gave the first impression. Truth may sway a portion of those who are torn, but another good portion will see it in negative eyes and those who believe him fully will just get worse."

Kazuo checks the files sent to him by katisugo and postpones both. By the time he is back at 12th and ready to apply the agent it should be ready for 99% certainty of effectiveness.

"I do wonder why everything goes to blame on the Gotei 13, we are a militar organization for the Spirit King's sake, urban infrastructure is not our job. Nor is it the Kido Corp's for that matter, or even that of the noble houses, it is the Central 46's."