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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BC, Canada

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion V: Our Armies are Pants

    @Mr.Bookworm, Sanguine, Yuki Akuma
    The problem with the conflicts is mainly that they tend to take up entire sessions, and make the game far too stressful. If it were just a character thing, it would be fine, but it is definitely making the game less fun.
    As far as the fast martial arts thing, I was thinking of conveying it mostly through stunting and the addition of athletics charms, but I will definitely take a look at the martial arts you mentioned, though, I'm still a little uncertain on how learning various martial arts works - They are an exception to the whole "Only Eclipse Caste's can learn other creature's charms" things, yeah? So how does that work with experience costs and the like?
    And, sorry, I didn't mean to leave out details of personality, it's mainly that I'm still working on it, which is part of where his motivation will come in.
    I wasn't really thinking of defining his motivation based on the fact that he's fast and a martial artist - Motivations like "Be the fastest" or "Be the strongest" or "Kill that one guy - he's a ****" seem kind of boring and generic to me. We can be more awesome than that, yeah? Yeah!

    So I'm still working on whether his personality contains things like "A soft spot for adorable puppies" or "Avoids throwing mortals over the horizon if it is not absolutely necessary" or whatever. He probably doesn't actually have any problems with punching people into a fine red mist, but likewise is alright with avoiding such if in the company of people who would find that distasteful.

    On a somewhat related note, are there any martial arts styles that would allow the user to wear Celestial Battle Armor?

    EDIT: Maybe I should wait to discuss this character until I've solidified more details about him, I just thought discussing him might help me with that process. = P So I apologize if I'm sounding frustratingly vague or neutral so far, no offense meant.

    EDIT THE SECOND: Hmm, maybe something like, "Vain has found that he is thoroughly disgusted with the state of affairs in Creation during the Second Age, and has judged that the root of this problem is the rampant corruption and disorganization in Yu-Shan. Thus, he has vowed to use his might to restore some semblance of order and efficiency to Yu-Shan."
    Last edited by DragonSinged; 2011-05-18 at 07:23 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grifter, character in game I'm GMing
    I was fine in Kingsfort until I met you guys. This looking for immortality thing is gonna get me killed!