Quote Originally Posted by conaniscool View Post
Post a description of your character (including notable gear, demeanor, maybe an actor/actress that resembles them) and I will draw them. Bye.

Oh, the reason I'm doing this is to build up my portfolio.

That is excellent work, bravo!!! I suspect you're getting swamped with requests too! Regardless, here's my latest character (and I am having a blast with him!)

Bern Thistlebush
Male Halfling Sorcerer of the Draconic Bloodline (Brass).

Bern is a tall halfling with bronzish-tan skin. His hair is a reddish-brown and his eyes are emerald green. His smile is bright and warming and most say Bern is quite handsome (CHA 20) though his canine teeth are slightly elongated as his draconic heritage is slowly manifesting itself.

He wears a fine black robe with green and brown trim (think celtic knots) with a hood that's up as often as it's down. The cloak's clasp is dark metal in the shape of two dragon talon's framing the sun (almost a triangle in shape). His tunic is black and upon closer inspection is revealed to be padded armor. It's finely crafted and almost silky. His black silk breeches fall just below his knees and vanish into his boots. Unlike most of his kin, Bern reluctantly wears knee high dark brown leather boots (Boots of Elvenkind)

On his wrists he wears brown leather bracers.

His belt is wide with a golden buckle, fashioned in the shape of a Dragon. He has two belt pouches, one on each side of his hips. Attached to right hip hands a finely crafted mace, though it's never seen use. He is usually never far from a flagon of ale or even a plate of scones.