1) They don't fix much. Aside from the Warstrider fix, which I never used or read, all of them have an intended purpose, but none of them are solutions to a problem. The Lunar chargen rules are the originally intended rules before they were edited to be the current ones, and they bring Lunars closer to Solars during character generation. It doesn't fix anything with Lunars, just makes them slightly more powerful before the Solar XP costs kick in. The Excellency rule was my own creation, and the reasons for it were allowing niche definition (aside from the almost obligatory combat Excellency, where you spend the other Excellencies helps define what matters to your character), allowing people to spend their Charms on flashier things that are not as universally applicable as larger dice pools, and reinforcing the Exalted superiority right out of the box.

2) Vaguely. Absolute locations rarely matter in the face of frequent stunting small objects and landscape into existence, so it doesn't matter where the tables in the tavern are during a fight - just that there are tables in the first place. In practice, movement allows for changing distance between characters rather than their location. In some cases, it might matter where they are in relative to an important object, but those are rarely different from having a character in place of the object. As long as the sum of the distance between A and B and the distance between B and C is not smaller than the distance between A and C, you should be fine.

3) Return to the Tomb of Five Corners is always fun. You hunt for artifacts and you fight some minor monsters before facing a slightly powerful Exalt.