Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
"I-it was just a slip up! A setback! E-every good villain needs them to... t-to... *sniffle* build character. I... I was just... oh Esper, I've ruined everything! Oh, promise me you won't be mad! Think of the children!"

It was then that Phoe threw herself at the hooves of her partner, wailing in despair like "a schoolfilly who had just had her ice cream stolen". The sound of her despondency echoed through the halls in musical tones so perfect they may as well have been composed by Daniel Ingram. Beautiful, melancholy, but also haunting. Perhaps terrifying, in some way. For it was in tears that her true power lied...
Esper looked down at Phoe, as she wept at his feet, and even he couldn't help but be swayed by those tears. He tenderly touched her cheek with a hoof, a soft smile playing on his lips. He knelt down, so that he could look at his partner eye-to-eye, no anger in his eyes, or in his heart.

"Don't worry, you haven't ruined anything. In fact, don't you see, your compassion and love towards children, and, in turn, my forgiveness towards you, has truly cemented us as sympathetic villains! Our retirement plans are as good as set now!"

(We're all such strange, strange people.)