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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion V: Our Armies are Pants

    Quote Originally Posted by Geigan View Post
    Sorry if I have a lot of questions. This time it's about Lunars. The true form sidebar particularly on page 129 in their manual. It says that true forms "break the rule" on dice limits. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this right. Does that mean that the spirit form's attributes are the new limits for the excellencies? And another one about that third excellency. Since it can add dice to static values, does that apply to soak? I swear I saw something contradicting it somewhere, but that might have been about stunts.
    While you're in your spirit form, yes, your cap is the higher of your base or spirit form's attributes and the increase doesn't count as a dice against your limit.

    Third Stamina Excellency can add to soak. In fact soak is explicitly mentioned in the sidebar about attribute excellencies.

    Stunts cannot add to soak though, yes.
    Last edited by Kylarra; 2011-05-21 at 03:47 PM.