Day Four: Proportions Time

Following Flickerdart's really handy reference estimates, I started filling pages with more stick figures, focusing on getting proportions right. I realise that my original idea of doing one single drawing every night was pretty unrealistic; a whole lot of this time is being spent on random doodling and getting a feel for how lines move.

I did try one semicoherent picture to see what fleshing in one of these skeletons felt like. My reception was mixed, but what doing this did was made me realise I have no idea how to draw faces. I filled another page with random dud faces before I ran out of time for it.

I'm going to try more faces tomorrow with a bunch of reference pictures, and take a look at facial anatomy as suggested. Anyone got any specific suggestions? Not going for realism here, just decent sketches right now.

Model: None

Finished Sketch:


Time taken: 2 1/2 hours
Materials: H, 2B pencils
Music: One Country