Quote Originally Posted by Necro_EX View Post
So, on to those questions.

1. What are some things you expect from a wargame? Things that would be a turn off should a game not have it.
Huge armies are a turn off for me. I switched from 40k to WarmaHordes for that exact reason. Price of minis is kind of an extension of that. For about $100 in WarmaHordes you could probably field a decent army. For $100 in 40k/WHFB, you get a starter pack, which, by itself, is generally not enough to field an army.

Quote Originally Posted by Necro_EX View Post
2. What do you think of Heroscape and other games with premade terrain pieces?
Terrain pieces are awesome, if they don't break. Homemade ones usually turn out cheaper, but more fragile. So, I'd pay for quality.

Quote Originally Posted by Necro_EX View Post
3. Would it be a huge turn-off if a wargame had an anime look to it?
Nope. I played Tau in 40k. Anime Robots, GO!

Quote Originally Posted by Necro_EX View Post
4. In the case that I do attempt to get this published, how might I go about that? Considering the necessity of miniatures for a wargame, I assume at best I could sell the concept to a company in the industry?
Or hook up with a budding miniatures company. I can think of one person here in the Playground that is doing just that. Or use Kickstarter.

Also, I'd recommend moving this to the Gaming (Other) forum. You'll probably get a lot more responses there.