Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
I have to ask: What did you think of Draigo's performance in general? I've heard a lot of flak being sent his way, but have yet to see him actually make it onto the table in my area. I'm interested to hear a first hand account of how in/effective he is.
He gives a unit of paladins 4 eternal warrior storm shield wounds. This is very useful when his unit is being shot at by enemies that have only one or two AP1 weapons in the unit.

Using hammerhand three times on halberds is pretty nasty too.

Quote Originally Posted by Teln View Post
2) Multi-Meltas are only anti-tank weapons at close range.
Depends on the tank. At long range they're still AP1 krak missiles.

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless Ghost View Post
If money is an issue, I'd suggest looking at the Ravenwing Battleforces for bikes. Providing you want the Speeder (albeit, the old one with few weapon options) and Attack bike), it saves a lot of money, specially if you can find somewhere that sells it discounted.
The ravenwing battleforce has the old speeder sprue but the ravenwing sprues it has three of has typhoon missiles and tornado assault cannons for it.

Quote Originally Posted by Darius Macab View Post
come to think of it Finecast (TM ) is making everything more expensive, god i hope they don't make kroxigors in finecast, it will break the bank. but seriously an 15% price increase for one model is ridiculous.

i thought they were switching to resin to make it cheaper!
A lot of the ogre sized models are being made cheaper by putting them in a box of 3 for £30.

They're switching to resin to make it cheaper to them. Or so that they don't have to raise the price on metals more than the finecast stuff would cost. Plus they just spent a ton on new molds.