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Thread: Thanqol Learns To Draw!

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Thanqol Learns To Draw!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saeyan View Post
    Will do!

    ponies again?! first they invade my thread now this. Why did you choose to flip the image when drawing? did you flip it in your mind?
    Ponies. They're the underlying reason behind this entire thing.

    I chose to flip it because, well, I thought 'drawing opposite to the model will make me think about it more'.

    0.4 Artliner? I love liquid eyeliner too! heh but anyway, i'd recommend using a standard office 0.5-0.7 ballpoint or at least a 0.5 artliner for inks. I reckon the thin nib is making your lines wobblier than they would be otherwise.
    Ahhh OK, will do. I found a few 0.4's in my house and thought they looked like legit art pens so I picked them up. I do not actually know the difference between types of pen either.

    that's a fantastic habit. Keep drawing your friends and don't let them see you :P
    Operation: Stalking commencing.

    oh man I can't even draw a circle properly! :(
    Circles are haaaaaaard. A few times I've wondered about getting a mathematical compass (but memory tells me those things suck and I probably want to learn to draw without needing one)

    well, at least I can tell that they are looking in the same direction...

    Do you have a scanner? or less blurry photos would be good at's hard to tell what's going on in some of your posts.
    One day, one day I will possess a scanner. Well, I actually do have some cash in my 'Frivolous Waste Money' fund. I'll swing by the shops sometime soon.

    I love having a Frivolous Waste Money fund. Makes so many decisions so much easier.

    I love this kind of stuff. Getting direct advice like this is how I learn best. Thank you so much for taking the time
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2011-05-27 at 09:22 AM.