Quote Originally Posted by AlterForm View Post
I still really want to see this.
Okay, I'll work on that next.

As a teaser, please enjoy these Cutie Mark Crusader themed lyrics of the opening song.

(to the tune of the Phineas and Ferb theme)
There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation
Sans cutie mark's no way to spend it
So our little crusaders go out of their way
To find out their own special talent

Like Maybe
Riding a zip line
Or trying out pillows
Or feeding a whole bunch of pigs

Baking a bunch of stuff that isn't a cinder
Or learning algebra trig!

Making a song and dance
Go on a trip to France
to learn how to make cheese soufflé (oui oui!)

It doesn't matter what
long as we get our marks
Who cares what they are anyway?

As you can see
There's just loads to try
Before school starts this fall (Come on Big Mac!)

So stick with us
Bloom, Belle and Scootaloo
Are gonna try it all!
So stick with us
Bloom, Belle and Scootaloo
Are gonna try it all!