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Thread: "Super" PCs

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Toofey's Avatar

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    Mar 2011
    North Jersey

    Default "Super" PCs

    My best friend (and DM) from High School is now running a campaign of evil PC's, one of them is getting on my friend's nerve's because he literally rapes everything they encounter, and it's getting old. Including a group of Minotaurs who may or may not be my PC's best friend's cousins.

    My questions are, not knowing the players there, how do you think they would take some guy watching TV over there, just walking over and ambushing them for ****ing with his friend's family? (And because my PC from this DM had something of a crusade against slavery and these guys also deal heavily in that)

    Do you guys think this is horribly unfair? And if so short of ruining the surprise how do you recommend correcting this?(I am expecting yes, but let me say I'll only know what I get by watching them leading up to the ambush in the session, which is part of how my DM is evening it out, knowing him he'll also have them hear of me or something while this all brews.)

    Do you guys think this would be fun?

    Finally do you guys think I should use invisible, conjured bears who have had animal growth cast on them as the first part of my attack? it tips them off that they're fighting a caster (my nod to decency) and it's Hilarious.
    Last edited by Toofey; 2011-05-29 at 04:25 PM.
    Big Ups to Vrythas for making my Avi!