Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

Again, this is the worst attitude. I was all "I can't draw" for seven years, and stopped drawing entirely as a result, I realise now it's the most foolish thing I ever did. It's the kind of thing you can get better at if you put the hours into it. It's the kind of thing that is worth putting the hours into.

I've been drawing for 2 hours a day for a week now and I've already taken an enormous step forwards.
Didn't mean to come across that way, I'm actually rather optimistic about this. I had fun drawing the first two, I'd be drawing the third now but I've got a Dnd game going on. I used to draw a lot more than I do now and its always been something I wanted to be able to do well. I've often wondered how much of art is based on inherent talent and how much is hard work and hours of practice, I figure I'll find out this month.