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Thread: Dealing with Rope Trick.

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Dealing with Rope Trick.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    Ten minutes is more than enough time for abusing it. All you've done is negate the one legitimate use for it (in-combat movement without provoking AoO's). Now about the *only* thing it is good for is, after combat is over, returning to Home Base to rest and resupply.
    It's good for travelling. And for scry and die. And yes, for returning to home base. That's good enough I think.

    What I can't stand at all, and what I fixed this way, is the infamous "oh, the combat is going wrong. Well, no problem, we teleport 150 kilometers away."

    Quote Originally Posted by Safety Sword View Post
    I wonder if your PCs are watching that window closely, or do they assume they are safe inside and all sleeping
    It's 11 AM and they woke up a few hours ago. They won't be sleeping at all, at least for several hours.

    I think I'll do this. Count Strahd won't be involved because I want the PCs to deal with the Necromancer.

    The necromancer will use a scroll of wall of stone to seal the room's entrance, except for a 10cm hole near the ceiling. A decanter of endless water will be used to spill water in there coming from that little hole. The PCs will eventually notice that the water is higher; the height of the water when they notice this will depend on their Spot check (I'll manage to find an adequate formula for this).

    When they exit the room, five wraiths will be there, and if the PCs need to swim to move they will also have to pass a Will save versus Fear when they notice this (being in a totally flooded room with several undeads is one of the scariest situations I can think of).

    If they survive this, the Necromancer and all of his minions will be waiting in the Hall. She will be willing to speak with them if they don't attack her, and she will probably kill them all if they do.

    Any suggestion is still appreciated anyway, we won't play again since next sunday.
    Last edited by Pigkappa; 2011-05-29 at 08:32 PM.