Quote Originally Posted by Closet_Skeleton View Post
The Age of Steel was alright to watch but in the end its a good job they set it in an alternate universe. If that was retconned as the true Cybermen origin it would be completely lame. You could forgive them copying Genesis of the Daleks if they'd actually copied the good things about it.
Or if they'd copied anything beyond adriven madman in a wheelchair based life support system. John Lumic has very little else on common with Davros. After all, one is businessman, the other a scientist. One wants to become part of his creation, the other just wants to see his creations rule the world. One lives in a developed and (seemingly) fairly peaceful world. The other in a world torn apart by a thousand years of genocidal war to the death.

Age of Steel and Genesis of the Daleks don't really have anything in common, other than being an origin story.