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Thread: My Little Pony IX: The Best Thread Ever

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: My Little Pony IX: The Best Thread Ever

    If (hypothetically speaking) you were to write a Kingdom Hearts ponyfic, and you (in theory) decided that each of the mane cast plus Celestia and Luna all would get keyblades, what would you call them?

    I like the idea of calling Celestia's Guarding Star, and a possibility for Applejack's would be Best Policy, but those are the only ideas I had.

    And remember, this is all just a thought exercise.
    Last edited by tonberrian; 2011-05-31 at 12:05 PM.
    The name is "tonberrian", even when it begins a sentence. It's magic, I ain't gotta 'splain why.