I'd be sad :| I really love the writing, the characters, and the story arcs in OOTS. I look forward to finding out where the character arcs are going to end up.

One of the reasons I obsess over this comic is that I know how much the Giant appreciates good writing (as evidenced by his commentary about JMS/Babylon 5 in a recent book, I think it was DStP?), and I know that he has the major story arcs plotted in advance. I'm glad he's keeping those secret until the appropriate time, but it does create a risk if he doesn't manage to finish the intended story.

I already went through the "stopped being made" scenario once and in that case the author HAD left notes (Robert Jordan, who died before finishing the Wheel of Time), but I still lost faith in the series. (I haven't actually read either of Brandon Sanderson's follow up books... I am waiting until he FINISHES the damn series, because I refuse to get burned the same way again if he gets hit by a bus. C'mon Brandon, one book to go, you can do it!).