Quote Originally Posted by Tavar View Post
Even then, letting someone hit you, hoping that they get many successes, while you're unarmored? That's plain idiotic. Either they don't roll many success, in which case you may survive and be undamaged enough that you don't just lose, but at the same time you'll lack the dice needed to penetrate their DV, or they roll many, in which case while you'll probably be able to penetrate their DV, they'll probably end up killing you as well. Or you use a perfect soak, but that requires both a combo and extensive investment in charms outside of the style.
I think that someone thought that solars (or anybody) could naturally tank hits passively very well. It's something I think a lot of people expect from the system when they're first looking at it. Alchemicals, surprisingly, have two different ways to passively survive fatal hits, but I don't think anyone else does.