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    Ogre in the Playground
    unosarta's Avatar

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    May 2008

    Default Re: Alternate Class Features For All Classes (Feats/ACFs, P.E.A.C.H.)


    “It will be the song I sing that ends the world, that stops all of time for just a moment. It will be the song I sing, that opens hearts like a clam, showing the jeweled pearl of the love inside. It will be my song that brings peace to all, and it will be my song that brings her back to me. Even death cannot stop the song...”
    ~Lute-Strumming-For-The-Nightingale, Talespinner, Wood Thrush In the Reeds

    Warsinger (Bard)
    The Bard’s martial abilities increase in scope.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: Spellcasting
    Benefits: The Bard gains Initiating as a Warblade of his level, with the Warblade’s recovery method, and with access to the White Raven and Iron Heart disciplines. Whenever the Bard Initiates a boost, he may also continue the effects of a song that he is currently playing as a free action. This is an extraordinary ability.

    Singer of Spirits (Bard)
    The Bard becomes able to bind the stories and spirits of individuals to his person.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: Spellcasting
    Benefits: The Bard gains soulbinding as a Binder of his level. He gains no other benefits of the Binder class.

    Bestial Ally (Bard)
    The Bard gains a beast to aid him, drawn to the bard by the beautiful music he or she makes, and kept there by the connection that was made.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: Spellcasting
    Benefits: The Bard gains an animal companion, as a Druid of her level. She gains an additional animal companion at 6th level, as a Druid of her level-5, a third at 11th level, as a Druid of her level-10, and a fourth at 16th level, as a druid of her level-15.

    Azure Artist (Bard)
    The Bard may draw the souls of the dead to himself, keeping their souls alive in him, and in his stories.
    Level: 1st
    Replaces: Spellcasting
    Benefits: The Bard gains meldshaping as an Incarnate of his level, using the Incarnate’s soulmeld list. He gains no other benefits of the Incarnate class.
    Last edited by unosarta; 2011-06-04 at 10:40 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    NOTHING is simple. NO EXCEPTIONS. No, not even that.