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Thread: The Archer [3.5 Base Class, P.E.A.C.H.]

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archer Base Class [3.5, Mostly Finished, P.E.A.C.H.]

    So you can't make this check against an enemy 100ft away, or 30ft away? I suppose that's a truly Archeresque ability... No other class could even make the Spot check to see an enemy that far out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyndworm View Post
    I understand that the class is intentionally built low and unfinished right now, but you may want to check out the Sniper for inspiration. It's not perfect (I have a few modifications I make to actually use it), but it's very nice.
    Would you be interested in seeing the changes I make to the Sniper class? They're mostly small, but it could help you, I suppose.

    Here they are:
    The Sniper

    Alignment: Snipers can be of any alignment.
    Hit Die: d6. A sniper focuses on the ability to defeat enemies from afar rather than face them in melee.
    Starting Gold: As Rogue.

    Class Skills:
    The class skills for a Sniper(and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (6+Int Mod) x4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: (6+Int Mod)

    The Sniper
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|1st Level|2nd Level|3rd Level|4th Level

    |Eagle’s Eye, Trapfinding|-|-|-|-

    |Stationary Protection|-|-|-|-

    |Uncanny Vision, Great Precision|-|-|-|-

    |Bonus Feat, Undaunted Missiles|0|-|-|-

    |Definite Strike, Extended Range|0|-|-|-

    |Quick Missiles, Reactive Shot|1|-|-|-

    |Master Sniper|1|-|-|-

    |Bonus Feat, Excellent Vision, Improved Eagle's Eye|1|0|-|-

    |Hide In Plain Sight|1|0|-|-

    |Endless Range, Sniper's Sight|1|1|-|-

    |Piercing Missiles|1|1|0|-

    |Bonus Feat|1|1|1|-

    |Awesome Vision|1|1|1|-

    |Expert Sniper|2|1|1|0

    |Greater Eagle's Eye, Infinite Range|2|1|1|1

    |Bonus Feat|2|2|1|1

    |Hail of Missiles|2|2|2|1

    |Flawless Vision|3|2|2|1

    |Unparalleled Sniper|3|3|3|2

    |Bonus Feat, Perfect Eagle’s Eye|3|3|3|3[/table]

    Class Features:

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Snipers are proficient in the use of all simple weapons, plus all straight bows. Snipers are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

    A sniper casts Arcane spells which are drawn from the sniper spell list, below. A sniper regains spell slots after 8 hours of rest. He casts spells as a sorcerer, using the sniper spell list as his spell’s known list.

    To cast a spell, the sniper must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sniper’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the sniper's Intelligence modifier. A sniper gains bonus spells per day based on his Intelligence score.

    Eagle’s Eye (Ex):
    By focusing on an opponent, a sniper can study him or her, focusing in on the target’s weak points and movement patterns. By spending a move action observing a creature, a sniper can get a lock on that creature. On the next attack the sniper makes against that creature, he gets a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls, a +1d6 bonus on damage, and an increase of 1 to his critical threat range. A sniper can maintain multiple locks on the same creature, and may maintain a number of locks equal to his class level. Multiple locks stack, unlike most competence bonuses. The extra damage from a lock is precision damage, and is not normally able to affect creatures immune to critical hits.

    Trapfinding (Ex):
    Snipers can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Snipers can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A sniper who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.

    Stationary Protection (Ex):
    Snipers often find themselves staying in one place for long periods of time. As such, snipers train to turn a lack of movement into protection. At the end of each sniper’s round, if the sniper did not move, he gains a +1 competence bonus to AC. This ability stacks with itself, to a maximum AC bonus of ½ the sniper’s class level.

    Uncanny Vision (Ex):
    A sniper gains a +5 bonus on all Spot checks, and a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.

    Great Precision (Ex):
    The sniper has spent countless hours training to place his shots accurately, to inflict the maximum amount of damage with arrow or bolt. A sniper may add his Intelligence modifier to all damage he deals with ranged weapons as precision damage. Additionally, by taking the entire round to study his opponent a sniper may gain three locks at once, though gaining locks in this way does not increase the maximum amount of locks held.

    Undaunted Missiles (Ex):
    Snipers, although they aim for one point, can still hit despite missing that point. Whenever a sniper attacks a creature that he has a lock on and misses by 3 or less, the sniper may deal normal weapon damage to that creature.

    Bonus Feat:
    The sniper gains any Ranged Combat, Skill Focus or Weapon Focus feat for which he meets the prerequisites. He gains another Bonus Feat every four levels after 4th (at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th).

    Extended Range (Ex):
    The sniper trains long and hard to increase the range at which he can deal death on swift wings. The range increment of any projectile wielded by the sniper increases by 50%. The range increment of any thrown weapon wielded by the sniper increases to 100%.

    Definite Strike (Ex):
    A sniper's accuracy with his weapon is undaunted, allowing him to scope out weak points in any being. Whenever a sniper attacks a creature that he has at least one lock on, that creature takes half damage from precision damage and critical hits from that attack. This ability does not apply to creatures that are immune to critical hits due to the Fortification ability.

    Improved Eagle’s Eye (Ex):
    A sniper’s use of his Eagle’s Eye ability matures, giving him the ability to further analyze his targets. A sniper may use a move action to create two locks instead of one, or he may spend the entire round studying his opponent to gain six locks instead of three. These locks may be on the same creature or different creatures.

    Master Sniper (Ex):
    A sniper becomes a master at dealing damage while hidden. When a sniper makes a hide check after a successful attack, he only takes a -10 penalty, as opposed to the normal -20 penalty.

    Excellent Vision (Ex):
    A sniper's bonus on Spot checks increases to +10, and his bonus on Initiative checks increases to +4.

    Quick Missiles (Ex):
    A sniper’s training allows him to attack more quickly than normal. A sniper may make a single attack with any ranged weapon as a Swift action. The sniper deals minimum Eagle's Eye damage with this attack. For example, if the sniper has six locks on a target and uses Quick Missiles to fire a missile as a Swift action, that attack does +6 damage rather than +6d6.

    Reactive Shot (Ex):
    If a creature within 15' of the sniper takes an action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, he may make a single ranged attack against it at his highest attack bonus. This consumes all of his remaining Attacks of Opportunity for the round. At 15th level this ability can be used out to 20', and at 20th level this ability can be used out to 25'.

    Hide in Plain Sight (Ex):
    The sniper’s long training in the wild allows him to fade into the shadows. As long as the sniper is within a shadowed area, he may use the hide skill without concealment.

    Endless Range (Ex):
    A sniper’s skill at hitting far away creatures increases farther. The range increment of any thrown weapon wielded by the sniper increases by a total 200%. The range increment of any projectile weapon wielded by the sniper increases by a total 100%.

    Sniper's Sight (Su):
    The sniper’s choice of spells is a careful assortment, chosen to aid the sniper instead of hindering him. The sniper can see and attack through any effect of any spell he casts. For example, the sniper would ignore the concealment of other creatures within his Fog Cloud spell, in addition to being able to see through it as easily as normal weather.

    Piercing Missiles (Ex):
    A sniper can pour so much force into his weapons that they can slice right through one creature and hit another. Whenever a sniper makes a ranged attack, successfully hits a creature, and has another creature in the weapon’s path, he may make an attack against the second creature at a -5 penalty to hit.

    Awesome Vision (Ex):
    A sniper's bonus on Spot checks increases to +15, and his bonus on Initiative checks increases to +6.

    Expert Sniper (Ex):
    A sniper becomes an expert at dealing damage while hidden. When a sniper makes a hide check after a successful attack, he only takes a -5 penalty, as opposed to the normal -10 penalty.

    Infinite Range (Ex):
    A sniper becomes able to hit enemies accurately, no matter what the distance between him and his target. A sniper only takes a -1 penalty per range increment, instead of -2.

    Greater Eagle's Eye (Ex):
    A sniper’s ability to lock onto targets becomes nearly inhuman. A sniper may now use a move action to create three locks, or he may spend the entire round studying his opponent to gain nine locks. These locks may be on the same creature or different creatures.

    Flawless Vision (Ex):
    A sniper's bonus on Spot checks increases to +20, and his bonus on Initiative checks increases to +8.

    Unparalleled Sniper (Ex):
    A sniper takes no hide penalty after attacking, instead of a -5 penalty.

    Hail of Missiles (Ex):
    As a full round action, a sniper can fire a missile at each target within range. Each attack uses the sniper's highest attack bonus and each enemy may only be targeted by a single missile. Extra damage from Eagle's eye applies to any enemy with at least one lock on it.

    Perfect Eagle’s Eye (Ex):
    A sniper’s ability to lock onto targets almost infallible. A sniper may now use a move action to create four locks, or he may spend the entire round studying his opponent to gain twelve locks. These locks may be on the same creature or different creatures.

    Sniper Spells:
    1st Level: Accelerated Movement, Arrow Mind, Camouflage, Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Mercy, Jump, Magic Weapon, Obscuring Mist, Pass Without Trace, Rooftop Strider, Sniper's Shot, True Strike

    2nd level: Cat's Grace, Darkness, Easy Climb, Flame Arrow, Fog Cloud, Greater Magic Weapon, Invisibility, Owl's Wisdom, See Invisibility, Snare, Spiderclimb, Undetectable Alignment, Web

    3rd level: Arcane Sight, Discern Shapechanger, Keen Edge, Flashburst, Gaseous Form, Nondetection, Shrink Item, Sleet Storm, Water Breathing, Weapon of Impact, Wraithstrike

    4th level: Arrow Storm, Bane Bow, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement, Haste, Greater Invisibility, Illusory Wall, Solid Fog
    Last edited by Lyndworm; 2011-06-04 at 09:55 PM.
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