Considering how much back and forth we're stirring up, I'm going to both PEACH the last two guys and throw it all into three separate spoiler tags for the sake of everyone else.

PEACH for the monk inclosed.
Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
*snip'd* fluff
Yeah, you've definitely got a knack for the fluff quotes! Another one that sells me on the class therein. I approve!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Arcane Fist (Monk)
The Monk becomes able to tap into the more mystical side of his spirituality and ascetism.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Flurry, AC Bonus (scaling only), Bonus Feats
Benefits: The Monk may cast a number of arcane spells per day. He may cast only one spell per spell level per day. He may not change the spells he chooses. He gains a single first level spell at first level, and single second level spell at fourth level, a single third level spell at seventh level, etc etc (4th level spell at 10th level, 5th level spell at 13th level, 6th level spell at 16th level, 7th level spell at 19th level). The spells he chooses must be of the personal range, and must be of the Divination or Transmutation schools of magic. This is a spell-like ability.
This is odd. It's only one spell a day, but it could be any spell of a certain level. However, you're giving up the quintessential monk ability (flurry of blows, AC bonus) to get it. The bonus feat lost at first level is whatever, but the rest of those are hard to pin? Are they "ZOMG OP" features to be lost? No, but they are part of what helps a monk overcome its inherent flaws (well, the no armor and 3/4 BAB, anyhow) The limit on the SLAs a day hurts, so I'm torn.

Do I think this is better than what is lost? Yeah, probably, at least for a straight monk. Do I think it is worth it? Probably not, due to how few SLAs a day of each level you will get.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Brawler (Monk)
The Monk gains increased ability to fight all out, losing his grace in the process.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Evasion, Improved Evasion, Unarmored Speed Bonus
Benefits: The Monk gains Mettle at fourth level, and Improved Mettle at 10th level. In addition, the Monk may enter a focused state, as a swift action, once per encounter. For the duration of the focused state, the Monk gains a +4 bonus to Wisdom and Strength, and a +2 bonus to Will saves. He takes a -2 penalty to Reflex saves for the duration as well. The focused state lasts up to 3 rounds, plus the Monk’s Wisdom modifier. After the focused state ends, the Monk is fatigued until the end of the encounter. This is an extraordinary ability.
This I like! I'd mention that it lasts for 3+ the new WIS modifier in rounds, but, other than that, this is solid for a more stationary monk. You should say if they get the focused state at first level or not. Also, as written "Improved Mettle" isn't a thing, so you need to write that out. Same with "Mettle," but that is because not every version of "Mettle" is the same, but I get the gist of what it is supposed to do.

You may also want to increase the bonuses from the focused state with additional levels, but that's nonessential. That said, I could see going Monk 6/Barbarian 1/Fist of the Forest 3 for three types of "rages." And that, I love!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Grace of War (Monk)
The Monk’s martial ability increases to that of the grandmaster of his art.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Flurry, Bonus Feats
Benefits: The Monk gains Initiating as a Warblade of his level, with the same recovery method as the Warblade, and with access to the Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, and Desert Wind disciplines. This is an extraordinary ability.
You shouldn't say "This is an extraordinary ability" for the entire thing. Instead, refer back to the chapter of Tome of Battle for what is relevant. Use "Most of these abilities are extraordinary in nature, but some may instead be supernatural. See Tome of Battle for the maneuver descriptions."

PEACH for the Bard.
Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
A solid bard quote. Rather inspiring. Yet again, props!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Warsinger (Bard)
The Bard’s martial abilities increase in scope.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Spellcasting
Benefits: The Bard gains Initiating as a Warblade of his level, with the Warblade’s recovery method, and with access to the White Raven and Iron Heart disciplines. Whenever the Bard Initiates a boost, he may also continue the effects of a song that he is currently playing as a free action. This is an extraordinary ability.
The boost thing is odd. Maybe consider throwing them a feat a la Melodic Spellcasting or simply say that initiating maneuvers does not interfere with bardic music. Only having access to two disciplines is rough, especially for lose of bardic music. That said, as an ACF, it is important to keep it from overshadowing the primary users of such, so not a bad idea.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Singer of Spirits (Bard)
The Bard becomes able to bind the stories and spirits of individuals to his person.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Spellcasting
Benefits: The Bard gains soulbinding as a Binder of his level. He gains no other benefits of the Binder class.
Not bad. Definitely a solid alternative to spellcasting!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Bestial Ally (Bard)
The Bard gains a beast to aid him, drawn to the bard by the beautiful music he or she makes, and kept there by the connection that was made.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Spellcasting
Benefits: The Bard gains an animal companion, as a Druid of her level. She gains an additional animal companion at 6th level, as a Druid of her level-5, a third at 11th level, as a Druid of her level-10, and a fourth at 16th level, as a druid of her level-15.
Soundly BEARS! This meshes really, really well with Inspire Courage OP-fu. That said, I'd rather have spells than a pack of animals. Not to say being the wolf leader isn't an awesome character concept, just not one I would go for with my bard.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Azure Artist (Bard)
The Bard may draw the souls of the dead to himself, keeping their souls alive in him, and in his stories.
Level: 1st
Replaces: Spellcasting
Benefits: The Bard gains meldshaping as an Incarnate of his level, using the Incarnate’s soulmeld list. He gains no other benefits of the Incarnate class.
As an Incarnate may be the strongest option. Again, you should mention that he gains chakra binds and openings as an Incarnate of equal level, too. That said, without the Incarnate's class features to help him pump more essentia than usual into his soulmelds, this shouldn't be too bad.

Spoiler for on going PEACHing and general conversation
Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Meh. I mean, I guess that is a pretty good point, but Wildshape and Animal Companion are still pretty powerful class features, even without any benefits of the Binder class besides some parts of the binding. I felt like there needed to be a sort of limitation on the power of the class itself, you know?
Yeah, I understand why you did that, just due to how big of a beast one druid can be. That said, from a purely crunch perspective, it just seemed odd to me. With only one vestige bound at a time, that feels harsh enough to me, compared to what an equal level binder can have up. Or am I misreading that again?

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
I did. It only progresses the opened Chakra Binds as the normal Totemist, the rest as a totemist of the ranger's level-4.
Having checked the ability as is, currently, I have to say it looks solid!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
You get the choice of using Iron Rain. So, if your campaign uses guns, then you use Iron Rain (if it even is a Gun discipline, I can't even remember). Otherwise, you use Tiger Claw, or Falling Star, etc etc.
Looks solid. As I said above for the Monk's initiating replacement, don't call it all "extraordinary." Instead refer back to either Tome of Battle or where ever the Iron Rain and Falling Star schools can be found via links.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
The contests are an absolutely fantastic way to get inspiration. I love using them, in order to fire up my imagination on a topic. You should try to finish classes that you start for the contest but don't finish in time, and then post them up in the general forum. If you really needed it, I would love to look at the class if no one else will (I am not the best EACHer, you know?).
Definitely! Even when I didn't finish or even have an idea for a particular contest, when I had time, I still would throw down a few PEACHes for the contestants just to help them fine-tune their work.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
You should do something for the current Base Class Challenge. It is actually a theme that is surprisingly interesting (cloth based classes, if you didn't know). I absolutely loved working on the class I made, and the other classes that were entered look amazing. I definitely know the feeling, when you feel like no one notices your work. It was weirdly touching when someone nominated the barbarian fix and the prestige classes I made supplementarily for it in the Homebrew Hall of Fame thingy that Realsm of Chaos did. Like, I had no idea anyone actually really cared about it, you know?
I'm odd in that I don't really like the idea of making base classes, simply because if I want further customization for a particular thing, I'd either be refluffing something or using prestige classes. Thus, as far as contests go, I've only ever really bothered with Errant's PrC, DaTedinator's Potpurri, and very rarely the monster contest. Thanks for the offer on the free PEACH, but I don't believe I have anything backlogged that isn't already up on GITP already.

That said, props on your nomination!

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
And I definitely know what you mean about the whole thing with not being satisfied with the work you make. There are definitely some things that I have made that I am just not satisfied with. However, it is interesting how, when I go over the classes or feats or monsters or what have you, and see some jewels in the things I made. It is actually really cool, especially when I can take those classes that I made a while ago, and then redo them into a form I like better now, after getting more experience homebrewing. I know I have done this for a few classes, even if I didn't repost those classes, but it definitely felt really good.
Very much agreed. I was never really satisfied with the last three of the six Relicforged I did, just because it felt like I was forcing random abilities onto them at a certain point. I know on the Base Relicforged, their last ability gives them electricity immunity because I could not for the life of me shake the image of some powerful psion, nearly ready to overflow with psionic power charged in his augmentations having his spine cackle in outbursts of electricity. I may end up reposting those guys, just so I can get some new opinions on them and give them a polished finish.

As far as things created go, I'd say is the Temple Waker. Hyooz came up with a lot of the basic fluff for our two prestige classes and between what I had in mind originally for that contest and the contest back and forth with him in making it all, I think it really added to the finished result.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
And I think part of the problem is that, when you make something, you get so caught up in the little details of the thing, and I think you gain a much more in depth understanding of the work than others might gain, and it can actually be a relatively scary notion, that you can't even know about or look at your creation objectively, for me at least.
Definitely! One of the few reasons why I ever voted for my own work in the PrC Contest was because I don't think I could view it objectively after poring so much into the project. As far as abilities go, I would like to say I have a decent idea of how my crunch always came out, but that is not to say I don't have a few overly strong abilities here and there for whatever reason.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Yeah, I can definitely see that. Similar to the Lay on Hands problem, where using it in combat takes up actions that would otherwise be used for something probably more helpful, which makes it just not as useful. I feel like making Lay on Hands also a swift action would be an interesting change, and something that could definitely add to the usefulness of the ability.
I honestly think that if the Paladin had been made later in 3.5, its Lay on Hands would be a swift action from the start. I don't know if the designers ever realized that in-combat healing (save for the big guns like Heal) never really was worth it, but considering how little there is available for Lay on Hands, that seems like the perfect thing to be a swift action. Just a small pat on a comrade's back to let them know his commander or ally is still with them or a quick cleaning of the cheek after a sucker punch just seem like such solid Lay on Hands-type of actions to me

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Yeah, I think the creative action of actually doing homebrew is sometimes more rewarding than the knowledge that someone uses your creations. Doing something new or creative is very fun, even if it isn't recognized. I feel like some people might get discouraged because they don't receive recognition of their work, and I know I feel that way sometimes, but the act itself is still very rewarding for your understanding of the system as well as of the way other classes work within the system.
Definitely. I know when writing up the fluff for the Relicforged, I would get away from my keyboard and begin to pace, looking for the write words to use and sort of roleplaying as the mad creator himself. Usually creating 'brew isn't that intense, but it certainly is enjoyable in bringing in something new!

Also, the sad fact is, unless someone jumps on over to either the 3.5 or Roleplaying sections and makes a thread about how they used your X or Y or Z or they send you a PM about using such, you'll never know who uses it or how it went for them. It sucks, but you just sort of have to hope that someone out there will see your work and find it good enough to use in a game.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
I like that line of fluff. I definitely like the idea of going "up in the ranks" so to speak, of the celestial or demonic army. I don't think an EACH of each companion is really truly necessary, though. I don't know, I don't want to take up your time if you have college and other stuff. I think I could give them a maximum number of spell levels in Spell-like Abilities equal to their Hit Dice, forcing the Paladin to choose which Spell-like Abilities they want to use.
HD limitations are odd, just due to the fact that some of the beefier outsiders have more HD than others for a given CR. My line of only summoning one at a time was more for preventing a Paladin from dropping all of his daily uses at once and also to help reinforce the idea that it is a specific companion.

Also, don't worry about this eating at my time. I'm out of college for the summer already, so other than looking for a job, I'm free.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Yeah, I was thinking something like 1 per 5 or 4 levels. I could maybe add the option of getting two weapons, but how would that work? Make them spread the bonuses between the two weapons?
I'd start out with one bonus feat per five Paladin levels. As for creating two weapons at once, just look at how a Soulknife does it: when generating two weapons, both may have up to your Paladin level -1 worth of enhancements. Generating the second sword causes both of them to lose a point off your normal maximum. It's a slight punish to TWFers, but it does help prevent all Paladins from just grabbing a +5 [+5 worth of qualities] Longsword and a +5 defending [4 special qualities worth of more "defensive" stuff] Shortsword.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
It's untyped. I don't really like the practice of doing that with weapons, only a +1. It sort of marginalizes the use of the bonus on the weapon itself.
Oh, well now I feel silly. If so, then it should be fine. You're getting a bonus on hit and damage when casting a spell for the round for basically free, but it is a pretty pricing quality in and of itself.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Yeah, this is my main problem with some of the classes in the PHB.
This is part of the reason why they made those web enhancements about filling in dead levels, since the designers later realized that not getting anything other than more spells per day, HP, BAB, and saves kind of sucks as a player. Doesn't mean what they made for those enhancements is necessarily worth a damn, but it is the idea that counts.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
IRC? I have no idea what that is.
I can never remember what it stands for, but it is basically live text chat about a certain topic. I want to say Fax hosts the one for GITP, but I can't remember if that's true of it is some other prominent Playgrounder. Wikipedia should have more info, though.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
Also; I feel really bad about this, because I am not really incorporating some of your advice over the past few days, but I am currently in Washington D.C. I made quite a few feats related to these ACFs over the plane ride, and I should have them up in a few days.
More feats are nice. I look forward to taking a look at them once you're back to where ever home is. For now, my PEACHes are all finished for what you have now, so feel free to just take a look at what I've said and relax in D.C. if you can.