Quote Originally Posted by Fuzzie Fuzz View Post
So! Random plot speculation.
We may not have seen the Doctor fall yet. If this is the case, could it be related to the "Silence will fall" storyline? I refuse to believe that Moffat would just end the Silence's saga as simply as that after all that buildup.

Also, the Doctor basically said he wasn't a good man (as I think someone else pointed out), thus making Rory the "Good Man" by default. I'm therefore supporting the theory that River kills Rory. I'm still not sure who I think is in the spacesuit in TIA.
yes...well... I just read that and wondered what kind of moron suggested such a development..
then I realized I'm the moron..and wrote it in one of my less sober moments.
then I read it over again and it does actually make sense...