Quote Originally Posted by Stadge View Post
Curses once again Curly! I've still got another three to do before I'm done for the term. Well apart from organising my next dissertation anyway...
I only got round to reading it now as I thought I best leave it until after this morning's Anglo-Saxon History exam as well, but it was definitely worth it. Cracking read that made me really want to watch the episode again. So thanks
And the exams've gone OK I think, not entirely sure, but for the most part I could answer pretty well. Mondays Gaelic History could be a different story though, but we'll see
If it helps: for the next two weeks I'll be stressing out over writing my portfolio papers. How d'you think you did on those two exams then?
What's your dissertation on Stadge? History Friend's sorting out hers too; me? Don't really have one per se.
Glad you enjoyed the recap, if it made you want to rewatch the episode, my work is done.
Good luck on your Gaelic History exam! Just especially for you I won't post the third and final part of this serial until Monday. How's that for a treat? (appalling)

Nu Who Trek update:
Three minutes into watching 'Utopia', about ten into writing stuff. Have spent an inordinate amount of time squeeing over Derek Jacobi in the role of sweet and kindly scientist.
He's so lovable!