I love a lot of Maiden's material, but I put Somewhere In Time on when I was heading to work this morning and remembered why I haven't listened to it for ages. Powerslave has recently overtaken Seventh Son of a Seventh Son as my favourite Maiden album though, and Brave New World is easily the best thing they've put out since Bruce re-joined.

On the subject of Metallica, I think the first five albums are all great, and Ride The Lightening is definitely my favourite of theirs. I'm also one of the weird people who loves the S&M album, which a few of my diehard Metallica-fan friends absolutely hate. I'd rather listen to Anthrax's Amongst The Living though, it's a lot more fun, and I think has great songs from start to finish, whereas RTL has some good and some awesome tracks.

Right now I'm listening to Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse. One of the finest black metal albums ever.