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Thread: Habits that kill fun in a session.

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2008
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    Default Re: Habits that kill fun in a session.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elyssian View Post
    Something that ticked me off a recent session...
    The DM decides he doesn't like the party's alignment and kills off characters in a way that there is no way to win such as having the Paladin face a Lich on a Dracolich in a setting that the rest of the party is in no way aware of what is happening just so all the good aligned people are out and he can bring in necromancer NPC's
    Wow, now THAT sounds like truly horrible DM'ing here. If I had a DM railroad to kill off my PC for that reason, I can't guarantee I wouldn't walk out of the game. Even if there are no other games, I much prefer to not play at all then to play in a game I am not having fun in. Guess it depends on how attached I was to the PC, I might just roll with the DM and show him what REAL evil is

    Though I have seen the flipside of this extreme:

    Mr. Can't Let Go-This guy was quite attached to his PC, and when said PC dies (completely fairly, not like the above) he completely loses it. Eventually he seems to get over it, but even years later he still takes potshots at the person who was the DM at the time for being a Meatgrinder DM, singling him out, etc.
    Last edited by Choco; 2011-06-23 at 09:11 AM.
    Been there, fought that, died horribly.

    Something fun and flavorful to get your DM throwing books at you: Katana Chucker