Quote Originally Posted by Kris Strife View Post
According to this my Simhata request is doing it wrong.

No, I'd say the guide points out that ponies with weird/dumb coloring (like that one fox pony), alicorns, and mish-mash ponies are looked down for being Mary Sue, something obviously not-quite-pony (like Zebra or that Lion pony) should be ok.

Unless you mean problem in one of the other areas, like colors.

Quote Originally Posted by Kyouhen View Post
Dammit, I want to take a stab at the speedfic (Confound these ponies what are they doing to me?!) but then I won't be able to finish my super NATG submission. Which I'm going to finish. ALL the themes put in a single super adorable pony picture. Including the bonus themes. Some themes will have multiples.
At least you were able to even consider it, here, it started at 3:00

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
We call her... Slaughershy.
No no no, that's Slaughtershy: :P


Proper appellation for what you pointed out is Flutterage

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Merely slapping me with your "phylactery", and then assuming the spell worked just because I just stood there stock-still and my eye glows went out (which is like closing my eyes) and giggling before 'porting off did not, as they say, accomplish much.

But thanks for making a mess of my office. Real nice. Very friendly of you. I absolutely wanted to spend my entire evening picking out fragments of War Droid from all of my personel effects, rather than playing Starcraft 2. And I didn't want to spend tomorrow, which is my day or rest, actually resting or anything, when I could piecing all my stuff back together and having to write reports and work on tightening security.

*sigh* Well, I suppose the War Droid's shields wouldn't have been much use against the OFC, anyway. And my other defensive spells I'd put up for anti-OFC purposes don't last long enough to be practical... Nevermind.

*shakes head* Trixie, you lack understanding of advanced necromancy. My soul can't be trapped any more than yours can, unless you very actually kill me. That's kinda the point of spirit-binding. It works in exactly the same way resurrections do, just the actual method of securing the bond is different. My soul doesn't "come out", anymore than yours does (actually less so, since part of spirit-binding makes much more solid bond with the body). Furthermore, Lord Death Despoil is the greatest necromantic talent in the entirety of history, and he developed the Aotrs standard necromancy, and he personally spirit-bound me.

The only way of getting my soul out of my skeleton is permenantly kill me. Which would take far more than the OFC. Let me let you into a little secret I've discovered. The OFC, and Pinkie's little giggle-dispersion technique hurt like you wouldn't believe, and they may even disintegrate my body. But they can't kill me or they already would have done. In fact, from my experiences, I know that they flat-out can't. Their magic is so pure and innocent, that it actually complete disbars the possibility of killing even one of us. It's such an alien concept to the power of friendship, it makes it impossible to actually take a life - or even an unlife.

Still, I'm quite impressed that you actually tried to murder me in cold blood. Tsk tsk tsk. And in a nice thread like this, to. That's not very friendly, now is it. Or very tolerant. In fact, to so such a thing would take a great deal of...well, hatred, wouldn't it...?

Captain? Excellent. You see, while you've been reading my endless spiel, and thanks to everyone shooting the wotsit out of me today, the good captain has actually managed to hack into some command codes. I've quite forgiven Gadora for his earlier...trigger-happiness...since it was partly his tweaking of the firecontrols earlier that inadvertently gave us an easy way in. Fire control to my station, if you please captain.

You have been a naughty pony, Trixie, whose behavior is not fitting for a citizen of Equestria. And - unlike me - you don't have a good excuse... (Held to a higher standard and all that.)

And so: fire.





Battery three? Fire.


Now, let's have no more murder attempts, shall we, or I will have to politely ask DarthBobcat set to Fluttershy on you. He's cool, I'm sure he'll accomodate me if I ask nice.
<listens to rambling noises from the jar standing on the desk>

Oh, my, you still haven't broken through the illusion that was supposed to ease the shock of transition of capturing you yet?


My, my, it looks like someone almost wants to believe he is still in charge and actually deceives himself to believe it's still the case. Me? Not knowing something as simple as the necroart you silly Aorts tend to use? My dear, Great and Powerful Trixie forgot more about it that you walking museum exhibits (and that wannabe Despoil) ever learned. But then again, that's the magnitude of the being I actually am

Hmm... <adjusts the illusion to shot the office is still intact and Starcraft 2 is running on the computer, wondering if that will be enough for him to notice something is wrong, while at the same time wondering why anyone would play this> There.

Oh, and one more thing. Have you ever considered just who invented Friendship Cannon (and begun spreading the plans) in order to fill universe with positive energy, to slowly poison and eradicate all the poor undead, who even now tirelessly work to hasten their doom? Silly, I eat more Friendship than that for breakfast

<points to a rainbow-maned pegasi standing nearby>

Just look at this - compare your big, starship-sized unwieldy cannons to my newest refinement of the OFC technology, pony-portable device that even a simple filly can activate with a bit of kinetic energy, saturating the environment with even more positive energy, making any planet you guys convert to Bronydom extremely easy to soak with Friendship once I begin distributing them. And once I manage to develop land version for Earth Ponies...

<summons a mirror to admire the most perfect pony in existence for a moment>

You see, this 'Friendship' you claim is so pure is like radiation to living beings... In small dosages, it's pretty harmless, yes, but if you cross over the threshold, it should boil your poor necrospirits right from inside... And the more of it is in the air, the stronger I am. Pretty nice scheme, if I say so myself