Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
You know what could help with that? Sending them all away to a birthday party. Put together by Pinkie. For, I dunno, EsperDerek, since today's his birthday.
That would totally work. I need to thwart a villain like this somehow.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
The CMCs once accidentally lit fire on fire.
You know, I've tried that. I figured if I had a powerful but relatively cool flame in a small area, I could float particles in the updraft that I could then somehow ignite the floating particles, making fire on top of fire. I even got cocky and tried to file pennies because I was told copper burns green.

I am still not allowed to play with more than three Lego men at a time.

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
I think in general it's a good idea not to trust ponies around open flames. We don't have thumbs, and hooves have this awkward tendency to be slippery at just the wrong time. Just ask Octavia, who couldn't hold onto her bow to save her life during the grand opening of her first solo concert in Canterlot. She spent years living that one down. Unicorns have all the luck.*

And lest I forget, happy birthday!
We do have all the luck, it's true. But consider, all that having to walk and move and actually do things has got to be GREAT for your figures, right? That way, the lot of you are found pleasing to gaze upon by your unicorn masters you end up better off in the end.

Quote Originally Posted by Metahuman1 View Post
Still alive.*

And I can't decided weather to fangasum or be disturbed by how well it worked.*

Ok, Finished the series the other day, watched it in one go. It's actually grown on me more since doing so, I'm finding things funnier when I think about them after the fact.*

I'm a 22 year old male and I'm hooked. So here's to Season 2!
Pleasure to have you aboard the Good Ship Pony, mate!

Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
Happy Birthday Esper!

Here's a fan art I owe you.

edit: own and owe, must remember difference...
I really like what you did with Twilight's mane, here. Nice job.

Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
More crossover ponies:


Oh, also:

@TheAmishPirate - somepony somepony somepony somepony somepony somepony someone somepony somepony somepony...which one of these is not like the others?
Sweet Sisters, that hurt. It's like tripping in a metal pothole. No exaggeration; actual pain. Real pain, from reading, and it's not DaRazQolthBobCairaven My Little Immortal induced. I'm perplexed.

That was mean, droidy. In keeping with your class, you are obligated to perform a nice action to maintain your alignment of Neutral Pony.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
I'm not sure if I should be insulted that you all think I can't last more than 3 days, or honored that you all know me so well.

Anyway, if we're going to do this proper, I'm going to have to ask that we keep our bets on different numbers. I can't have half the thread sitting on three days.
The honor is ours, Party-San.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Any date is fine, I'm just the impartial bet-taker and eventual target of scorn. Higher guesses just improve my self-esteem slightly.
You know, I missed the deadline. So let's make this a personal bet between you and I. More intimate, more... Cozy.
Let's step into my booth, what say?

ah, glad to see you followed. I was worried, when the door shut there. But no worries, aye? Good.

Would you like a cigar? No? Some rum? I'm not sure if the Amish or Pirate takes precedence, I'm afraid. Forgive me for being so unprepared...

So, here it is, cards all on the Table. We both know you will slip up, eventually. That's not the trouble, it's a sure bet. No fun.
No, I bet you the trouble will come when you catch yourself in the act. Your tongue will have the words ready, warm and well-used. Like a dutiful soldier, it will load the shot into the tube, until it's captain says to belay the order. The mechanisms of your speech will slow to a halt, you will be safe!

Then, before you shall stretch the gulf of that silence, fell and wild. They will look at you, this person who knows you not as a pony, but as a hominid. You will try - oh ho ho, will you try! - to bridge the gulf, to make it look natural. You begin again. But you forgot that soldier, dutiful, waiting in the wings. Like any man with a secret, you are betrayed by yourself, in your heart of hearts. You will want to say it, know you can't.

That is my bet, my friend. I bet you that you will deal more damage, grinding your freight-train intellect to a halt in order to prevent dropping the P-word, than you would had you let slip and covered it afterwards. I bet this because you are a nice guy, a swell chap (haha! Braeburn joke) and you don't realize, sweet as you are, that permission is thrice as hard to find as forgiveness; that life is actually easier apologizing for mistakes than thinking ahead. This is the beautiful, double-edged sword of being a good person.

Should I lose, you have your choice of anything you want that can fit on an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper. Art-wise, of course; I can draw, write, maybe even sculpt if needed. And I'll give you both sides of the sheet.

If I win... Then you come clean to the person who causes the ruckus; you tell them you are a brony, with full disclosure as to what that means (to you, rather). The word 'brony' doesn't actually need to come up of course, but admittance of liking Friendship is Magic does.

Do we have an accord, my friend?

Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
so, the first 4 panels of She-ra parody is done. this is going to take longer then I expected.

experimenting with line length, scan resolutions, and learning to draw on tablet is killing what little quality remains in my talentless art... I think I am gonna have to learn vector graphics

I need a genderbend so I can seduce Kairaven into finishing this ASAP. It is for the good of the thread. No I won't really seduce you, that's probably crossing a line somewhere. But finish the comic! Priority 1!

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
The problem with doing science here is that this is the place logic comes to die.
Psh. Your false correlation between logic and knowledge shall be your downfall. All sorts of science happens here! Mostly to people who don't have the sense to dodge low orbit space weaponry. Or to Grif's corpse, that one time he died of exposure andsomehow reincarnated as a sexy musician.

(we're still working on how that last one happened.)

Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
You seem rather confused. Last I checked, 4≠3, though I will agree they are both very nice numbers, what with one of them being a prime and the other being a square.
What did we just say about logic? All that really matters is
I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Oh my, look at the time! It's only pony until pony! I'm going to be late- I have an appointment at pony, sharp!~*

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
[T]here's been some other, assorted winning in this thread that I haven't got time to reply to. Just keep on winning everyone, alright?
... Man, I wish I'd thought to take this tac about 30 pages ago <_<"

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
I think it's more likely 10-12 at the least; Spike's younger than Twilight but she is a quote young adult unquote. Particularly as he's started to notice fillies.

That, of course, just makes it worse. And more hilarious. Cue Rarity, well, whatever the equestrian equivilent of Princess Leia's slavegirl costume is. (Possibly Luna and Celestia and/or the mane cast too.)
Kids develop crushes really early. My first (that wasn't with an imaginary person) was at age 5. So was my second, actually. Har.

I envision Slave Outfit!Rarity looking like an overly cloth'd Arabian type gal. You can only see her eyes and maybe a sliver of hair - except she would be so over-dressed she looks like a feather mattress. And Spike just stares oddly at her as she adds another layer or clothes over that.

The equivalent of a stripper being forced to remove skin and meat to 'take it all off'.

Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
Is somepony bringing up my brilliant idea of reverse strip clubs?
Totally. Clad clubs are canon in Pony Noir.
And in my heart.

Quote Originally Posted by Kyouhen View Post
I think that's where we get into the question of intent. *Kind of like how it's okay for women to wear bikinis, but walking around in their underwear is a bad thing even though there's often little difference. *The Gala is a formal affair so everyone dresses up nice.
That is rather strange. I insist still it's not the clothing, but the act that titillates.
That bikini covers less than undies thing always bothered me, though.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
It occurs to me. *The clad club is shaken by the fact that only Rarity had problems with Spike watching them get ready for the gala.
Uh, have you seen what hominid country girls and the like are ok wearing? Applejack takes off and puts on her hat all the time, Rainbow Dash doesn't get it, Twilight Sparkle is his near-aged sister, Pinkie Pie is probably in the same camp as Dash, and Fluttershy doesn't like it when other ponies wath her ANYTHING, wether dress, breathe, or exist.

Rarity, well... Somepony has got to have standards, aye? Especially since I'm sure she knows about Spike's crush.

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Either that or the ponies are Ferengi.
I... I must draw this...

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowydragon View Post
I reckon I should be joining you.

This is a corrupt land. *The laws and insitution ripe with misdirection and lies. *The only way to save this world......Is with FIRE.

Where'd those crusaders get off to?
I'll get the Lego men!

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post

MC Rapplejack. *

That is all.
Hm... I'll consider it, but I'm not sure it'll come across without color. We'll see.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Also, in this cosmology, might Luna's sphere cover the planets as well? *

(assuming, as I do, that the ponies live in a world where the sun and moon are objects in the atmosphere and the stars are mostly there as decoration for the night sky, as well as navigation).
See, I don't get cleaving so close to standard physics in a world of magical ponies where the sonic barrier is elastic, massive trauma is shrugged off and dragons can sleep for centuries without dying of starvation, but still burn enough calories to actually produce smoke.

I prefer to think of Equestrian earth as having celestial crystal spheres, like 3-dimensional nested clockwork. The moon is the innermost realm, followed by planets, then sun, and stars are the detritus which float in the upper layer, unknowable save through the mystery of dreams and music.

Quote Originally Posted by Gamerlord View Post
....Maybe theirs are even worse.
Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
Mmmmm Dinty Moore Stew.
Darn it! And I'm hungry too. Mean! (nah you're fine, just a handy straight mare, as it were)

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Because you came in with so much confidence and jumped right into the conversation. *I assumed you were a returning poster who had been involved in the early threads that I'd forgotten somehow.*

HA! told ya.

Also, related to your asking about avatars (which I could have sworn I'd added to my quote block...)

this is relevant.

Already blew the surprise, so may as well reveal to all.

Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
Hey, Phoe. Braeburn is best pony. Yeah, you heard me. Better than Octavia and Lyra combined.
I was going to do a fusion comic, where Lyra and Octavia combine via magic earrings to become braeburn (mostly to rationalize why I find a colt so... Uh... Is it hot in here? What was I saying?) but then I couldn't draw for beans, and the weird mix of unfamiliar poses, characters and such threw me off too much.

Someday though, someday...

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post




Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post

1/4 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
5 tablespoons packed brown sugar
1 -2 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup cold water
1 pinch chipoltle powder (for spicyness)
1 pinch ground pepper
Love (preferable unicorn appendix love)

It goes well with chicken. *If you're having steak, you might want to consider sukiyaki Thanqolsauce
I was (am?) going to draw an open jacketed Metal Mask propped on his elbow, rubbing his chest and enquiring as to how you are enjoying your steak.

But, again, not quite up to it. Keep harassing me though, and I'll do it eventually. ;P

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Hey Raz. *I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is. *


Seriously, I'm curious how you'd do it.
Dooo eeeet.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Hm, how to welcome someone who's new to the thread but not new to the fandom...

Scootaloo. *Both barrels. *

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Radiation exceeding .5 megakitten level.
... 030 *chokes on cute*

Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
for today's training ground, I tried to think of something funny along the lines of "Cooking the books" with Twilight sparkle...

but it's not coming to me.....

it's finally happened Kairaven, your infinitesimally small reserve of wit has finally dried up. you might as well be put to pasture, let the younger, more talented, and more clever ponies come up with the lolz.
He thinks he's free! Quick, CHAIN HIM! we'll feed him apple products, and force him to draw whenever we want a really cool Phoe product. No one will know, because he said he was leaving! We can finally have Kairaven all to ourselves!

*hefts a chain* heeeeere, Kairaven....

Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
EDIT: I have not forgotten that I upped the ante on tonberrian's bondage bet last thread. I will be trying my hand at writing a ponyfic, but I cannot promise that I will get it to a point where I am comfortable showing it to others. I'll be starting on that just as soon as my imagination stops being broken again.
Wait, what? Bondage bet? When did I miss th-- oh, last thread, not last page. Got it.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
MY meme thing.
I just have to keep mentioning this or some neighsayer will claim it was theirs.
or they'll claim it's mine again ;P

Except me!

(bondages world)

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
I'm gonna bondage you so much.
I ... I don't ... Is that supposed to be threatening? Threatening is not the vibe that I get from that.

Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
There's debauchery here! Debauchery, debauchery, yay!
Is there truly nothing which can escape the gravity well of PONY? and why does a pony host club sound so fun?

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
*sigh* And you were doing so well too...[/thepinkone]

Welp, time to go digging back through the thread and see how long we went this time.
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
*finds joke after going back 1 page*

Oh...well maybe it's just that one, and we were doing well before that...

*finds reference 2 more pages back*

Huh. I guess we're getting more subtle about this. Maybe if I...

*finds another one on the previous page*

...we're really bad at this, aren't we?
Hey, at least this time it wasn't me.

Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
We did get to at least 5 bondage-free pages before, at least. The bondage just comes and goes (much to the disappointment of one Baron Awesome).
And disappointment of me, too.
Oh wait, you mean disappointed when it comes, not when it goes, right? Nevermind.

Quote Originally Posted by Kyouhen View Post

*Insert Repony song that someone did that I can't find anywhere and now I'm going insane*

Found it!

Out from the night from the mist steps the figure.
No one really know her name for sure.*
She stands at six-foot-six, head and shoulders
Pray she never comes knocking at your door.
Say that you once bought a pie or new cupcakes,*
but somehow never managed to square away your debts
she won't bother to write or to phone you;*
she'll just rip the chewed-up pastry from your chest!
Goodness Gracious, mate! That is Terrifying!

Quote Originally Posted by Vent Reynolt View Post
I guess we just can't restrain ourselves.
Yes, well that's to be exp-- oh, oh ho! Hohohohoho! I see what you did there, sir! Very monocle. Very monocle indeed!

Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

Will I have to slowly put on long socks?
Haha! I need to start up a comic again. You guys are Bad Plotlines Gold!

Quote Originally Posted by Ember_Glow View Post
Hi, I really like MLP FIM, please may I join your group.
Sure! Membership cards were banned back in 'IX, when they were shortened to 'ship cards and led to hijinks, and branding is frowned upon, so now we just show allegiance by avatar, signature or gratuitous use of the word 'pony'.

Quote Originally Posted by AThousandWords View Post
I really need to watch this show.
Yes, yes you should. Despite all of our hype, it is remarkably watchable.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Protip: All of them.
Sssh! You ruin it~!


Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
I'm going to withdraw from the thread until the creepy discussion of mafia ponies goes away.
Does it really bother you? It's just leaning towards a pulp Noir style story.

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
You may have already noted my absence. (If not, you should have done, blast you all!)

Evil is fun.

Criminal, though, is just really dull.

I honestly preferred the bondage jokes. And I was with DBC on my opinion of them.

Heck, I'd almost prefer to read Celestia-bashing again.

(And yes, I am more cranky than usual, because the 3D printers just announced the final price of their newish decent detail material, and it's gone up Eight. Times. The initial price. Rendering it completely out of the sane price range and thus useless to me. Which stings, especially after I spent the last three wargames conventions singing their praises and making the point about how they were getting competative with metal castings and revolutionising the wargames model industry. All of which will probably bypass the understanding of almost everypony, and interest even less. But there you go. I was all ready to go play SC2 all evening, and now I'm in a foul mood. Even for me. So there. *spectral raspberry*)
You were designing that to actually have it built? Like, professionally?

I'm sorry mate, if I'd known I'd have thrown you more support. As it is, I thought you'd sculpt them yourself.

Quote Originally Posted by Kairaven View Post
Lixie, that’s a name of myth spoken in hushed tones, the boogie pony that comes up in talks only in the deepest of crime circles. In this town where the territories are clearly marked by the various heads of pony families, Lixie is the wild card.

I have only heard stories about her, the latest one involving the takeover of the Guild of Chains and Amish Pirates up in Manehattan. Who knows if it’s true? I don’t know why she would be involved, but if she is, then this is not the usual Ponyville dealings.

I need to talk with Raz_fox it seems. This job is getting worse by the minute.
Oh clad, it really is starting to come to life. You had better right a happy ending, Raz_Fox.

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
You've clearly thought this through more than I ever do...
...except my plane... which has a cosmology, rules, some consistent layout...
Aye, we tend to lovingly nurture our pet projects. To insane levels of detail...

You work out the geothermal-influenced weather patterns, you know you've become obsessive.

... Luckily I'm too lazy to really delve into quite that level of detail. About weather, at least <_<"

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Nope. *Just a cake. *Enjoy!
There's a cake... Within the cake?


Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
I love you guys too. *

And you know I kid because I love, right Esper?
That's my cue...

*SiuiS wraps a foreleg around DBC, gingerly prodding a hoof into his stomach*

Yes, good. Good. Firm, but not too firm, just the right amount of give.

*SiuiS deeply sniffs the top of DBC's head*

Aye, the new host is taking well. Thanqol, get your egg beater. I think our newest friendship crop has come to fruition.

*pulls out obligatory Mage dagger*

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
What are you talking about, I am the normalist pony to ever normal a norm! Look at how much sense I'm making! *eye twitch* Just look at all this normal!

Hm. You're right, looks lime what I'd expect from any household. I am of course using my own household as the base line.

Truthfully I'm not even sure why we mine for acid, let alone how. You'd think if we were just out for blood we'd cut the middle mare and just throw somepony in acid. But then I guess we'd run out and have to mine some. Maybe it's a cost cutting measure?
See? This is why you were voted to the Princess' secret Council of Economics & Bondage. Say, do you happen to have any alkaloid powder? My oozing lesions are starting to itch right fierce, they are.

Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
*Channels Lix Lorn*

Who says Twilight has to decide on Trixie or Lyra?
Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
I'm pretty sure Bon Bon's not really ok with all of this sharing, either.
Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
Phhst, anypony knows (and by anypony I mean 'me') that there's only one pony Twilight and Trixie would be willing to share their relationship with anyways, and that's Princess Luna, duh.
Quote Originally Posted by Soft Serve View Post
Lix will find some way to convince them otherwise.
I'm going to have to do all this fanart myself, aren't I? Good thing it's in my very DNA.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Blood, mostly.
Thanks, jerk. You made me choke! And it's totally not my fault for chewing while reading what you posted. Just for that, we'll double the friendship harvesting! See if any left the gullet, migrated to other systems.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Or she'll be horribly scarred forever, never again able to trust Lyra or anypony else. *You never know.
Yeah, sexy pony stuff can sure backfire awfully damn hard. *cough*

Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
Oh Hay: SiuiS is preparing a massive quote response. It's scary to watch
Do you guys think it's worth it? If you missed a week of thread would you go back and reread the whole thing and respond? Or just skip to the current one and go from there?
You actually posted that? Really? And I asked the same thing hours later. Now I look all needy.

I mean, I am, but now it's obvious! Thanks, Braz. *faux glare*

Quote Originally Posted by Gadora View Post
I feel awkward responding to stuff more than a page back, but I'd be sure to read all of it, even though I'd respond to little of it.
The sheer speed of the thread, volume of posters, and requirements of the circadian rhythm made me realize real quick like that a page could form literally while I was typing a response. So I went from a page to a thread just as quick

Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
Phsst, wuss. I've been in close proximity of about dozen Orbital Friendship Cannon strikes, and you don't see anything wrong with me.
Uh... Sure, sweetie. You just go play, ok? Have fun.

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Really? Because:
Yeah, no side-effects there or anything...
Also, Lich. Postive energy hurts. Light energy hurts. Positive-imbued light energy really freakin' hurts.
this wouldn't be a problem if you rocked it old school. *shrug*

Like to see how you'd all handle a surprise attack direct hit from an orbital enemity cannon that fired hate-charged negative energy and shadow energy...rassumfrassum livin's...mumblemumblegripemoancomplain...
Same way we did last time; throw Lixie in the way and let her rampage through an alternate reality write a pony Noir story about her as penance.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
I'm only sore in my atoms
Oh good! I'm pretty sure those are only hypothetical particles, so you're hypothetically sore. Collapse the wave form on the "not sore" side and you're golden.

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Y'know, disintegration aside, I'm thinking I'm quite fortunate to be Undead, as I seem to be setting the standard for sanity in this thread now. (Immunity to mind-affecting effects clearly does render me unaffected by the fallout of the OFC and/or ponies, if not the physical effects.)

Which, coming from the racially-insane, Undead, rocket-launcher-and-starship-obessed, omnicidal megalomanic, is really quite worrying...
I find immunity to mind-affecting effects doesn't matter so much when bending your mind to understand intricacies of universes which may or may not now or ever have or even potentially ever exist, and how to control, manipulate and harmonize them requires... A looser framework than most minds can handle.

That is, I would have had to be sane in the first place.

Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
@Trixie: Hmmm, I notice that none of those pictures actually have "Mmph"-ing in them. Though that last picture gets a pass, because, erm... I'll be in my bunk.
How do You guys even find these?! I can't, and believe me, I've tried. I have to draw my own, with mixed results.

What is your secret?! I must know! I must! I must! I MUST!

Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
Sure, my little filly. Just let me take this photograph of you and Twilight and let me plot your demise buy you candy to make up for it later okay?
Wohohoah, there. The buckshot stops when you threaten the potential history that I won out of someone as payment for a gamble which cost them days of agony culminating in a good night of within a show with the mare they love. Because that is the single best independent plot that has ever happened directly to me!
Also, you don't touch this one's gamblin' spoils.

Besides, Grif, you're a taken mare. Can't you see that these shenanigans are tearing Olympia apart?!

Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
It.... *glares at you something fierce*
Well, I never. *I'll just take this *rips out recipe card* thing and just throw it away then!*
*mumbles*Horrid? I mean really... It's not that bad, just a little on the bland side what with the lack of real chicken and tofu around here. You'd think someone would have realized that chicken is nasty anyway and...
Let's be fair; considering you've never cooked chicken OR tofu... It really was a horrid recipe.

Quote Originally Posted by the_druid_droid View Post
Since he's indisposed, I'll point out he's spirit-bound, so no phylactery to steal...
Just because he didn't make a phylactery for himself doesn't mean he doesn't have one. In fact, now he has two, it seems, each independently made by an aspiring pony wizard. Honestly, it's not that hard to do; especially for an independently animate being.

What's that, you say? That shouldn't work? Well, you're right, it shouldn't. See, we've done is closer to voodoo than it is typical magic.

But voodoo requires a connection, you say. All the books and movies say so! You say. Look around, mate! What's that you're standing in?

Lich dust.

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
They went on adventures across the globe, finding ancient temples and plundering treasures and wonders from them the likes of which pony eyes have never seen before while outwitting and outlasting the likes of temple guardians and intricate and deadly traps.*

Applejack is, of course, disgusted because ma and pa didn't have the decency to stay home and buck apples all day like normal folk.
Canon! *stamp*

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
I always figured they let her come with the understanding that finding out what being a true socialite would entail would send her running back to the farm.
... Also Canon! *stamp*
also, really saccharine. I approve.

Quote Originally Posted by AlterForm View Post
KND was the first I thought to myself "this show deserves my respect."*

Instead of just dying off slowly like most cartoons, it managed to not only have a clear ending, but also pulled off a multiple-episode story-arc that concluded the adventures of the main cast while also tying up just about every dangling plot thread left over from the series. It was truly impressive (to me, at least) that what started as a gag-a-week show matured into a such a detailed and consistent world. Mr. Warburton (and/or whomever else worked on the show) had the dedication to say "this is the end," and stick to it. That is impressive.
I am sad I missed everything past the first season, then. I'll have to spelunk a bit, see if I can't find anything out.

Quote Originally Posted by Welf View Post
She got her revenge:

Oh snap!

Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
Well, you have me there. *I'll agree that Fluttershy makes anything cute.
Her breakdown at the Gala was certainly one of the more interesting ones...

Whoops, wrong thread! *Ah well, respond in the new one if anyone wants to bother.
her breakdown shows a huge amount of character, by extrapolation. She's usually quiet, afraid of the ripples she will cause. What could make the affection o animals so important that she would have that sort of snap?

It's actually the same kind of characterization you find in Dominic Deegan. We just aren't as heartbroken, so we interpret it as depth rather than supposedly bad writing.


And it kicked your response, Amishman. But my mental health, after all of these pages? I feel... Better, actually. More ... Whole.

You could even say. . . Compleat.
this would have much less impact if it weren't true.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
And that's why I have my Ring of Magic Nullification. *

The only downside is that I can't feel the wonders of friendship...
And that's what makes you the perfect host for all of this PhazonNew strain of friendship we've developed :D

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Nah, it's not a downside. We just need a stronger concentration of friendship!*

*mashes go on a button*

Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
I saw your rivet gun and Grif's shotgun headed out back to the tool shed. Something about "loosening the bolts"...

Grif, do you see what you've done?! You've chased Olympia into the arms (a ha, weapon pun) of another! You monster!

Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
My god, man, at the very least, I admire your dedication!
Good thing I chose to keep diggin' then ;)

Quote Originally Posted by Rebelhero View Post
i had a surgery on my chest to remove 2 metal bars put into my chest 3 years ago to correct a rib problem i had.
Wow, never heard of anything like that which didn't start with severe trauma. Intriguing.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Not strange at all, Mr. Turnip. Not straaaange at aaaaaaalll
So I'm a dealer, now, eh? It's up to me to keep the spice flowing, while dodging the coppers rival factions?
Eh, sure. I've done worse.

Quote Originally Posted by Kyouhen View Post
By the GODS. *I last left off on page 43 of the last thread before I had stuff to do last night and work today. *Do I even want to try catching up on all of that?

Someone gimme the TL;DR, what did I miss in terms of mass insanity?
Check my above post XD

Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
Fifteen minutes.

I've got my totems. The Celestian Sun pin. A golden replica of a spanish piece-of-eight. Both sit to the left of my netbook. Despite the fact that I recently acquired a very nice Thanqol-ish hat from my pater, it will not be worn tonight. Wrong ambiance. I do wear, however, an armband, a replica of an article of clothing worn by one miss Haruhi Suzumiya. My desk has been shifted a few inches to the right, so that I can rest my netbook on my desk instead of on my lap as normal. My undone math homework has been set aside, on the floor. No distractions.

Ten minutes.

I lied. There's one more totem I've got tonight. It's a dun-brown stone, perfectly smooth, with cracks running under its immaculate surface. I got it a few weekends back. It's from the Jordan river, where He walked. It's sitting next to the sun and the coin. A reminder of why I write.

Close a fanfic. Finish reading a few writing articles; leave the one on how to hook a reader from the first line open, and wince at the one on why my novels aren't finished yet. It's because editing and researching and outlining aren't writing, per se, and yet the outlining never seems to work out right the first time. One day I'll get it right, and be better because of the failures. Read SiuiS's mega-post. Crack a smile.

Five minutes.

Take a deep breath. Get ready to queue up appropriate music. Blackmore's Night and the Merlin Playlist of Touhou Remixes may be used if no appropriate music is found pertaining to the writing prompt. And At The Winter Gala and Princess Luna: Reimagined.

Three minutes.

Deep breath, deep breath. Open up Write or Die in another tab. Pray that firefox doesn't crash. Save and close your multiple Word documents, and promise yourself that you'll finish that Summer Civics Essay next week, really, honest. Make sure your ice water is close at hand.

Showtime. Refresh Equestria Daily.
Well said, mate. We'll somehow inspire you to greatness through our failing antics yet!

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Aaaaaand I'm off to work, so I won't be able to participate. Raz, I want you to take all of my talent, which I've inscribed on this napkin, and win this thing. For us. For the pony thread. For the Playground.

Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
Merely slapping me with your "phylactery", and then assuming the spell worked just because I just stood there stock-still and my eye glows went out (which is like closing my eyes) and giggling before 'porting off did not, as they say, accomplish much.*

But thanks for making a mess of my office. Real nice. Very friendly of you. I absolutely wanted to spend my entire evening picking out fragments of War Droid from all of my personel effects, rather than playing Starcraft 2. And I didn't want to spend tomorrow, which is my day or rest, actually resting or anything, when I could piecing all my stuff back together and having to write reports and work on tightening security.

*sigh* Well, I suppose the War Droid's shields wouldn't have been much use against the OFC, anyway. And my other defensive spells I'd put up for anti-OFC purposes don't last long enough to be practical... Nevermind.

*shakes head* Trixie, you lack understanding of advanced necromancy. My soul can't be trapped any more than yours can, unless you very actually kill me. That's kinda the point of spirit-binding. It works in exactly the same way resurrections do, just the actual method of securing the bond is different. My soul doesn't "come out", anymore than yours does (actually less so, since part of spirit-binding makes much more solid bond with the body). Furthermore, Lord Death Despoil is the greatest necromantic talent in the entirety of history, and he developed the Aotrs standard necromancy, and he personally spirit-bound me.*

The only way of getting my soul out of my skeleton is permenantly kill me. Which would take far more than the OFC. Let me let you into a little secret I've discovered. The OFC, and Pinkie's little giggle-dispersion technique hurt like you wouldn't believe, and they may even disintegrate my body. But they can't kill me or they already would have done. In fact, from my experiences, I know that they flat-out can't. Their magic is so pure and innocent, that it actually complete disbars the possibility of killing even one of us. It's such an alien concept to the power of friendship, it makes it impossible to actually take a life - or even an unlife.

Still, I'm quite impressed that you actually tried to murder me in cold blood. Tsk tsk tsk. And in a nice thread like this, to. That's not very friendly, now is it. Or very tolerant. In fact, to so such a thing would take a great deal of...well, hatred, wouldn't it...?*

Captain? Excellent. You see, while you've been reading my endless spiel, and thanks to everyone shooting the wotsit out of me today, the good captain has actually managed to hack into some command codes. I've quite forgiven Gadora for his earlier...trigger-happiness...since it was partly his tweaking of the firecontrols earlier that inadvertently gave us an easy way in. Fire control to my station, if you please captain.

You have been a naughty pony, Trixie, whose behavior is not fitting for a citizen of Equestria. And - unlike me - you don't have a good excuse... (Held to a higher standard and all that.)

And so: fire.




Battery three? Fire.


Now, let's have no more murder attempts, shall we, or I will have to politely ask DarthBobcat set to Fluttershy on you. He's cool, I'm sure he'll accomodate me if I ask nice.
This requires the personal touch.


Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
Cmon, lets all be Equestria Girls!
(Points Reverse Gender at any males)
*breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.


A hoof rises. Slowly, a Ginger moustache is removed, pressed, combed smooth.

A gilded mahogany cigar case is pulled from the cloak, opened to reveal a small comb and velvet lining. The moustache is tucked into the case before being set neatly aside.

His shoulders square, his muzzles lifts. Stoic? Defiant?


'Bend me, buck-o!

Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
Damn it, if only the 'Gender' selection on the profile control panel didn't only have 'Male' and 'Female', I'd definitely change it to that!
Ignore the actual gender section, put "Gender: Pony" in one of the other fields.

Quote Originally Posted by ScionoftheVoid View Post
That's unfortunate, I'm nowhere near awesome enough to be a girl. I shall have to be my very best for the duration of this sorcery... How long does this last, again?
Well... We can switch ya back, if you absolutely want a fix. But it requires an arduous quest through the nicGhaoirimhe mountains and under the waves of the lake of tears, to barter with the giants you'll find in the castle there.

Or, well, you could also eat this macaroon. That'll fix ya, but less fun, right?

Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
I think some kind of magic-dispelling gauntlets. Or it may be that there is no way-after all, most unicorns don't have the kind of power that would let them escape.
Magic requires concentration, which is hardly class skill for anypony. Any sort of dynamic discomfort would work, really. A set of pliers, clamped hard around the horn, should be sufficiently distracting for anypony already in custody. Being akin to shoving a vice into the mouth and fastening onto one's teeth means this is a last resort, however.

Would work for interrogation, too. A unicorn's horn is bone, right? But it connects directly into the skull, and is thicker than a tooth. Bend a segment of red-hot wire or heated pliers around the horn with a dampener, and in the space of tens of mints you've fatigued the pony like leaving them in the desert for days. It would be almost like a fever.

It would also develop a sort of Stockholm In the recipient, too. The inflictor is the one pony you'd see throughout the trial, the one constant reassurance swimming through the delirium. How could you not come to fondly regard somepony - anypony - who was there through what seem like days of illness?*

I think I'm rambling, and into darker territory than needed though. So, yeah, I'll stop.

Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
This whole gender thing is getting confusing...
Aye, Lix'll do that.

Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
Well, I'm feeling a very real sense of guilt and a compelling desire to apologize to Grif before drinking cold, drugged tea. And I wasn't feeling that before reading through your catch-up post.*

So I would say that no, this isn't very strange, and actually I appreciate your dedication very much.

Now if you'll excuse me... *sip* *ker-thud*
I'm sorry, unconscious PhoeKun. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty.

Quote Originally Posted by Welf View Post
I feel like a meany for not reading all. But it's late and I'm tired. I will tomorrow.
No worries, mate. Feelin' glad about something I say is grand, but don't feel bad about it! That is polar opposite to why I post stuff! Besides, there's no real sense of time unless you're riding the crest ofthe pony wave. Once your a page behind, time stops. Everythigng you fine ponyfolk have done over the last 4-5 days just happened as far as I am concerned, because I just went through it :D

Quote Originally Posted by Kris Strife View Post
According to this my Simhata request is doing it wrong.
That's like, the 5th time I have failed to load that image. Could somepony link me to it independently? I don't think I'll get it to work without a direct loading of the URL.

I've been offering to post something close to this since thread one.

And as usual, I remain entirely unaffected by the gender swapping spells.
You've got to pounce on the opportunities when they occur to you, friend. It's entirely possible some folks just didn't notice what you said (I know I don't recall it being a request for permission, but I sort of breeze through these threads).

Also, I want to, once again, do a story about a background horse, but that would be rude given our priors. So I'll settle for mentioning the inkling (inklinginklinginkling hahahahaha fun word!) and letting it pass

Quote Originally Posted by erikun View Post
Also, there was a global gender-swap bomb earlier in the thread. *Can I blame the slip-up on that?
Totally! Hay, that boom is messing with those of us who are trying to pay attention... You miss a beat and one of these days you may not even be able to tell whether your human or pony ;P

Quote Originally Posted by AThousandWords View Post
Dang, playing with Flash for the past [X time] has made me really appreciate the animation in the show. Now to see if I can make a pony.
Aye, it has a different feel, once you have experience. Like how you hear some songs different after blowing several hours on Guitar Hero. You get a feel for how it works, and then... Wow.

Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
Oh sounds cool

no that was what i meant

ha it's a lot to keep up with
Aye, sorry. The threads tend to zoom by; don't feel like you have to keep up with everything, or you'll go crazy (the bad crazy). Just relax and have fun! That's why we're here.

Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
All ponies are cute. Even freakout fluttershy!
O.O it's like staring down the throat of a cannon ...

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
how did you guys get to thread twelve so fast? at this rate, you'll catch up to those Dominic snarkers and maybe even surpass them.

and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
DD is nearing it's end. It's maker wants it to end, it's readers want it to end. Pony is just on the rise.

Don't worry though, it's entirely possible that those of us who are here for the show and not the fandom will bail, if season two doesn't measure up.

Also, what DBC said. The Deegan is a source of bitterness for all but Lix (and sorta myself: thanks Lix!) whereas pony is a source of predominantly happiness, with a 1% turn out of really weird, soft core soft core faux-porn.