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    SiuiS's Avatar

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    Jan 2011
    Somewhere south of Hell

    Default Re: My Little Pony XII: No One Can Groove Like the Girls with the Hooves

    Quote Originally Posted by AThousandWords View Post
    Hey guys, just practicing drawing so I did Scootaloo from the Cutie Mark Crusaders cause she's awesome.*

    Please tell me where I messed up.
    Really nice!
    She is leaning backwards; every line leans to the left. If it's intentional then you're damn good! If not, though, it might be a hand bias.

    Her rear legs? The front goes straight up and down, when... Well, I can't describe the difference, because AB is galivanting in front of me selling apples. But they should have more of an S curvature not a C curvature.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlterForm View Post
    Well, I could do a run-down of where you violated the show's style, but you've deviated so far from it that it has its own style that really shouldn't be changed because I really like it as a style, and this sentence is entirely too long but I just couldn't find a place where I wanted to stop it so now I can't and the only way out of it is to call upon Candlejack and wait fo
    Ugh, again? Darn it, man! You snatch one more pony, and I'm not bringing me special brew to our next tea party.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vent Reynolt View Post
    Wow! new thread and SEVEN PAGES!? Well, I wonder what I mis-

    What? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Opens eyes*

    Wait, this isn't that bad. But when does it wear off?
    Hehehe. Here, have a macaroon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Embrace the pony. It's only proper.

    I'm feeling more and more self-conscious about submitting my speedfic. Good lord, how do you bronies churn out 3k words stories in 2 hours.
    Quality, not quantity, me hearty. Pour yourself on the page, and that will be all that matters. And if that doesn't sway you, I direct you to the Thanqol Learns To Draw thread, for a Speech on why 'I'm not as good as that other guy' might be true, but doesn't matter.

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    Have you noticed how Spike has a crush on the only other high-class reserved Canterlot-acting like pony in Ponyville? *The one who becomes completely obsessed in her projects like a certain parental-guardian pony. *coughfreudian*
    Not really applicable. His crush on Rarity was love at first sight; it would be coincidence.

    Not that such coincidences are a rare occurrence, nowadays.


    Aaaalright. That should do it; I'm all caught up

    And I appreciate the flattery about best pony, but let's be honest; we can all agree the best pony is ... ZZzzZZzzZZzz...

    *SiuiS passes out in the puddle of drugged tea he's been standing in for the last couple hours*
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2011-06-26 at 06:01 AM.