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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: [MLP FIM] Bridal Shores General Town Thread 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    "Lemon, you're a showman; remember to hold your applause until the end...But you probably won't be applauding much."

    She turned back to face the wall of the tent. She raised the papers in her hoof. If this were a real parlor room, she'd be faux-threatening them over a fireplace.

    "So he gathered up a few: a pair of young acrobats. And he told them that if he did as he told them, he could make the carnival a better place... Something like that, I'm sure. Lots of smoke and mirrors, writing checks he thought he could cash...But in the end, he probably can't.

    His plan, from what I've seen, went something like this: cause trouble. Steal money from customers. Never big enough to attract police attention, as we'll see... But enough that eventually, no one would want it in their town. The carnival would suffer... I haven't had time to look over the paperwork, but I'm guessing the fruits of this plan are right here in my hoof."

    She waved the papers again, this time getting ready to read them to the crowd, and formally indict her suspect...
    Yes, the paperwork was more or less a transferal of ownership, where Lemon would presumably get it all and Ferias nothing really. Why exactly he would agree to such a thing...eh.

    "Is 'dis true? Ya caused trouble just 'ta make Mistah Ferias look like'a nimcompoop and damage 'ta reputation of dis here carnival?"
    Lefty questioned Lemon with a hurt expression.

    "Feh. I don't have to do anything really to hurt the reputation of this carnival, it does that on its own, especially with all the other crooked employees, but some ponies are just too blind to want to see it," Lemon replied bitingly and glowered at Ferias. He then glanced at Mystery. Peach glanced at Lemon and dropped her glower, she still had her involvement to consider. Maestro took this in silently, his hold on Cerise not so tight anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    Two ponies walk into the tavern dream wearing sterotypical adventurer gear. They should be sitting down at a table now, and the bartender(Reginald) throws them some unopened bottles of Root Beer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Silverpine rolled his eyes. "Really, Gear, you should have some other dreams other than harems. It just ain't natural." He glanced the two new ponies who entered the bar. They looked armed. "Psst, who you think are those?"

    "How would I know? Why don't you go ask these armed ponies, hahah," Gear grinned.
    Last edited by Benson; 2011-06-26 at 11:05 AM.