Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
(Lol..I thought it was supposed to like..some sort of paralysis)

"Well handsome...it seems you have me stunned...I guess you're going to have to arrest me now,"
She laid on the ground, her body stunned. Unfortunately her mouth didn't get stunned as well as she gave him an alluring smile.
(Idk, it seemed to knock people out just fine in Star Trek. It's a dream anyway, logic be damned. Gearstride is probably having fun perverting the dream anyway.)

"... I guess so," the captain said, unsure of himself all of a sudden. Behind he could still hear the battle between Gear's stallions and his own redshirts raging. Then an idea hit him. "Or I could just take control of your ship and fly us over to Federation space." He grinned and grabbed the mare by the neck. "And a hostage would do nicely."