Eternal Slumber [Mind-Affecting]
  • Key Skill: Perform (dance).
  • Time: 2 minutes.
  • Ritual: Nearly lost in the forgotten mists of time is an ancient dance which celebrates the never-ending night of Najmah, a realm of dreams & wonders. This dance, most commonly known as the Dance of the Endless Dream, has the power to bind a creature into an everlasting sleep, from which there is no waking. You must write down the name of your intended target onto a small piece of parchment, & then eat the paper. Then you must immediately & correctly perform the Dance of the Endless Dream (DC25), a difficult & exhausting dance. If you perform the dance properly, then you channel your weariness into your target, magnifying it tenfold.
  • Effects: Your intended target must make a Fortitude save (DC25) or fall into a magically-bound dreamless sleep. The target is unconscious (IE helpless), & cannot be awoken via any ordinary means, such as slapping, wounding, or loud noises. The entire dance must be performed within sight of your target, the dance provokes attacks or opportunity, & you can only take a 5’ step each round during the dance.
  • Untrained: Impossible. Knowledge (Local) to learn.
  • Failure: If you fail during the Dance of the Endless Dream, then you become exhausted, as well as suffer a -5 penalty to your Charisma for 1 full day.
  • Special: You can prolong the dance, adding +1 to your target’s Fortitude save DC for every round that you continue the dance after two minutes. Doing this also increases the DC of the Perform check by +1.
  • Removal: LW, MW.