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Thread: [FwM] Recruitment/OOC/Character Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/OOC/Character Thread

    Name: Blazing Hooves
    Age: 16
    Role: Flying Pegasus Fighter of The Cirrus
    Title: The Flying Fighter
    Type: Pegasus Pony
    Apperance: A short red mane and an orange coat. He has a scar on his back from a fight with a manticore. He has emerald green eyes and is handsome.
    Skills: Master of Hoof to Hoof Fighting. Skill with a sword or a dagger. His flying skill is equal to Rainbow Dash's.
    Bio: Blazing Hooves has followed Hover everywhere. He met her when he was a kid and considered her his friend since. When she joined The Cirrus he did as well. He is actually in love with Hover and vowed to never date until she says yes to one date with him.
    Power Rating: C when using a weapon, B+ when using only his hooves.
    Relationships: Blaze considers himself good friends with Hover. He also has asked her out on many occasions, which she has constantly said no. He has proven his battle worthy-ness on many occasions, which has gained him respect in and off the field of battle. He favorite weapon aside from his bare hooves is a mecha. He is an master in hoof to hoof fighting, and is skilled with a dagger and a sword.
    Cutie Mark: A cloud with a flaming lightning bolt coming out of it.
    Notes: He keeps a journal called: 'The Hover Log'. In it he's been recording his 11 year long attempt to get Hover to date him. He has filled up 10 other journals before his current one. Each one is for a different year. They're a good read and have many wild attempts to get Hover to date him.
    Last edited by Mindfreak; 2011-07-21 at 10:41 AM.
    Mindfreak by...I don't quite know who
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