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Thread: [FwM] Recruitment/OOC/Character Thread

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FwM] Recruitment/OOC/Character Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post

    Green with envy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny Earz View Post
    I think Emerald sounds good to me.
    Emerald sounds good. Making character.

    Edit: And here she is.

    Just a note, I'm basing the enigmatic 'Mayor' off of Twinstrike from the mane RP thread. Introbulus made him but then quit. I thought he was a hoot though, so I kind of stole and tweaked his personality and assigned it to FwM's Mayor of Bridle Shores.

    Name: Emerald
    Title: Mayor's Secretary
    Race: Unicorn
    Appearance: Bizarrely, Emerald has a ruby red coat and a sapphire blue mane. Her mane is almost always done up in a strict bun style to keep it out of her way when she's working. She also wears those thin reading glasses all the time as well over her piercing obsidian eyes. She would be quite beautiful if she ever loosened up.
    Age: Late 20s or Early 30s Nopony's quite sure.
    Skills: Emerald is unparallelled in the art of organization. She can sort, file, read, process, and record at speeds that boggle the minds of most ponies.

    In fact, it is mostly through her efforts that Bridle Shores manages to run at all. The mayor himself never seems to do any real work. This is actually a fairly beneficial arrangement as few ponies in positions of authority in town, such as the Captain and Rockem Wrench, don't really want to deal with the mayor personally when things need to get done. They'd much prefer to deal with her.

    She does not, however, possess any appreciable combat skills.

    Biography: Emerald is a Bridle Shores native, and a long time friend of the current mayor. When he was elected, the current mayor immediately assigned her as his secretary, and promptly delegated all of the busy work of the mayor's office to her. Everything that happens in town of any note eventually crosses her desk. Among other duties, she requests funds from the government to run the town, assigns tasks to town employees, manages town expenses (basically pays ponies for work rendered to the town), catalogs the local farms' harvests, handles exports and imports, and essentially keeps everything organized.

    Personality: Short and to the point. She does not have time to waste on frivolity or meaningless chatter. If it doesn't have any relevance, she can't be bothered with it.
    Relationships: Rumors abound that she and the mayor are 'involved', but nopony can ever seem to come up with any evidence of this, much less proof.
    Cutie Mark: A file folder.
    Last edited by Crisis21; 2011-07-21 at 07:34 PM.
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