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Thread: What if Real Life worked by RAW?

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: What if Real Life worked by RAW?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanmyral View Post
    Why not use skeletons though? Zombies can only take a standard action, or a move action per round, while a skeleton can take a full action. Less HD you would need to control as well. I imagine the smell wouldn't be as bad as well.

    ... How many undead would be necessary for this to actually work though? Enough for a high level wizard to do it by themselves, or would we need to get a Dread Necromancer involved? Would Dread Necromancers now be another term for IT guy?
    I've never looked at undead creatures' stats, largely on principle. I hate undead things. So sure, skeletons would be better.
    I met a necromancer once who was very well-built. He had all kinds of feats and stuff. He wouldn't have made a good IT guy. IT has to have at least a little bit of a customer service aspect...this guy killed everybody and made them into undead servants. (I was playing a Radiant Servant of Pelor at the time. I one-shotted his zombie white dragon with a greater turning. Then a party member turned on me and killed me. I hate being the only non-evil party member.) Anyhow, this guy was just a cleric I think. But you could get some dread necromancers involved. You would need a LOT of undead.
    Last edited by noparlpf; 2011-07-22 at 05:28 PM.