These things always end up too long, and I wonder if people skip over them because of that. And so, I give Oversized Response Post, Spoiler edition!

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Sadly, I haven't read Discworld (for someone who thinks mostly in fantasy tropes, I don't actually read fantasy novels; I think the last real one I read all the way through was The Hobbit in grade school). The only crossover with something I've actually read/seen was that Battletech one (loved Battletech back in the day), but I've not had the drive for a 17 chapter story. Most everyone writes about games I haven't played.
Fair enough. I was mainly pointing out that it isn't my first choice in reading anyways, so just get to it whenever you want if you're still curious.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Something occurs to me. Lyra didn't necessarily HAVE to give up her whole career to be with Bon Bon. Maybe Lyra goes on the road sometimes with her performance group. Sure, she's gone for a few weeks, and it's sad being away from the one you love, but it'd be a reasonable accommodation for Lyra's career.
Couples can still work even if one is gone for long periods of time. How else would musicians or truck drivers ever have a marriage otherwise? They'd just make it a point to spend quality time when they are together.

Quote Originally Posted by Kris Strife View Post
Wait, where was it stated how long Nightmare moon stopped the sun?
She first appeared during the Summer Sun Celebration, at the point when Celestia was supposed to raise the sun. The sun was, at least, delayed until Twilight &co was able to defeat her.

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
But aye, the assumption of 48 hours was 12 night + 24 day (which makes no sense, really) plus maybe another 12 night. 36 is probably more accurate, and 2 hours is just as likely to be right.
I more assumed it was a 24 hour delay, mainly for cinematic purposes - namely, Celestia coming back at the dawn of the next day. Outside that, there isn't really any reason to assume any particular timeframe, as Celestia could just pull up the sun or moon to correct timescales as needed.

We saw most of the regrouping before everyone set out. I find it pretty difficult to say they took all day preparing, especially as they didn't take anything with them - I'd say a few hours, certainly not 12/24. I don't know how long they were travelling through the Everfree Forest, but as they probably didn't stop for sleep, it couldn't be that long.

Quote Originally Posted by EsperDerek View Post
Hi, everyone. I'm about to head to bed, but I before I did, I just wanted to apologize on how I've been acting the past week or so. I know I really haven't been at my best, been kinda anti-social and unreliable, and that at worse I've been, well, pretty complain-y and had a bad attitude, honestly. I'm still feeling pretty out of it, but I'm gonna try to be in a better mood again, recover and be more like my normal self.

I just wanted to apologize before I went to bed here, because you guys are my friends, and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone or got on anyone's nerves.
I think you've been fine. After all, you've been concerned enough to apologize (several times), which clearly shows you care. I'd say you just need more internet hugs until you start feeling better.

Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
Well I'll admit, I was in a real funk on Thursday (or was it Tuesday? I forget) when your comments on Nyx set off a bit of rage and feelings of inadequacy of my own. After all, Midnight is beloved to an extreme that brings out the worst of the green eyed monster in me, and seeing you unhappy about Nyx getting positive comparisons to Midnight irked me a bit.
If it makes you feel any better, I still think that Baron Awesome is one of the best OCs I've seen. I haven't read all your fics, though, so forgive me if I'm just focusing on one older one.

Quote Originally Posted by Rebelhero View Post
Ok so i had a brain wave. hear me out. ok so elements of harmony= parts of friendship right? now what if, each of the elements had a partner, Twlight and Trixie, applejack and soren, Rainbow and DJ Pon-3 and so on. Would the power of love make the elements even stronger? Like super charge them? cause i totally want to write that into the end of ponyard's story.
I'd think that the strength of the elements depends on how well each pony embodies the particular element. For example, if Rainbow Dash was ultra-devoted to her family, she'd be a stronger Element of Loyality; if she felt conflicted between spending time with friends or family, she would be weaker.

Then again, this assumes that the elements get stronger/weaker over time. Friendship would still play an important part as well, especially in relation to Twilight. After all, Friendship is (the Element of) Magic.