Quote Originally Posted by Rebelhero View Post
Ladies(?) in the lamps.
While you do make for an....interesting lamp lady SiuiS... I think i should try and... WAIT! Does this thing has a tractor beam!? Oh man! It does. Targeting the lamps. and DRAW EM IN! *ponyard laughs happily* Haha! no I have the harem girl-men! Its kinda weird! but its adventurous!


Ugh. Really, Ponyard?! Really?!
You're lucky these clothes are comfy and that I comport myself like a lady.

Ok so i had a brain wave. hear me out. ok so elements of harmony= parts of friendship right? now what if, each of the elements had a partner, Twlight and Trixie, applejack and soren, Rainbow and DJ Pon-3 and so on. Would the power of love make the elements even stronger? Like super charge them? cause i totally want to write that into the end of ponyard's story.
I dunno. Logically it works, but it feels like something I'd groan at. If you do it (and I like the idea) then drag it out. Don't make it obvious, don't make it the bg reveal, and don't make it the "we spend the rest of the season finding the secret power for everyone else" kinda thing either.

So really, it's a "requires very good execution" thing to pull off well.