Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
Yes, they make for great anti-heroes, but they also make for stunningly good idealists. Imagine, for a moment, a CG Bez-Kizmet, who stands as living proof that Fate can't just be fought, but beaten, that free will is the most potent force in the universe and also one of its greatest responsibilities. Can you not imagine Eldarins taking up the mantle to combat manipulative forces like the Archdukes of Hell or the machinations of Mechanus? Sure, it's an emphasis on the 'freedom' aspect of the class, but I can very easily imagine a wide-eyed idealist fighting Fate because Fate is the biggest bully around.

After all, it's not like every Kizmet is going to be an intellectual or even all that philosophical; they know someone or something (Fate, the gods, their imaginary friends) kicks 'em down and pushes them around. Might this not lead to them fighting not just for themselves, but for everyone else who just can't catch a break in the universe?
To me it sounds like you want the alignment restriction changed to Any Non-Good or Any Chaotic. I could get behind that.