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    Troll in the Playground
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    Somewhere lost in dream.

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop XIII: "Ironclads, Furiosos and Soul Grinders, oh my!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Timberwolf View Post
    This is why you never forget your magic hat. Nothing annoys a grey knight player like someone with a psychic hood, a CSM or Blood Angel Librarian whose leadership equals theirs (Dark Angels only get LS9...) or, indeed a Rune Priest whose rolling is better than theirs on the day.

    It's a thing of beauty when attempts to stack hammerhand on top of Might of Titan fail so very badly due to a 100 point model nestling comfortably in a unit.
    Psychic Hoods aren't so bad. It's Farseers that make GK players want to tear their hair out. Runes of Warding killed more of my Knights than enemy fire did in one game of mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
    He was new, didn't have a librarian, and (as far as i could tell) we'd forgone rules for activating force weapons
    Except for the Assassins and Henchmen, every unit in the GK Codex is a Psyker. All of them. Including the vehicles. And most of them come with Force Weapons as standard.

    I'm not sure what you mean by forgoing the rules for activating Force Weapons.
    Last edited by Tome; 2011-08-01 at 02:16 PM.
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